Scientific integrity with the Open Science perspective

Summary of the course

Understanding the diverse issues of Open Science practices and being aware of the national, European and international guidelines is crucial to conduct ethical research. This module has been designed to discuss questions related to research integrity (e.g., GDPR regulation, inform consent, replicability, plagiarism…) and to debate on these questions.


This blended course includes a self-training session (2H) in Moodle and a live webinar a few days later (1H):

  • The self-training session aims at presenting the definitions, resources and tools used in the Open Science approach through short capsules of contents and short training activities. Participants will complete this asynchronous part within 10 days (deadline 3 days before the final webinar).
  • The final webinar will be very interactive and aimed at 1) debriefing the self-training phase 2) going further to help you to set out open science good practices for your research project.

Module program:

  • Definitions of ethics and integrity
  • Legal and regulatory framework at national, European and international level
  • International and Common Nomenclature of Misconduct
  • Conflicts of interest
  • Integrity and dissemination of scientific output in the context of open access
  • Plagiarism and self-plagiarism
  • Respect for intellectual property
  • Risks related to open access to publications and data


  • Differentiating between the concepts of ethics and integrity
  • Identifying scientific misconducts
  • Applying Open Science guidelines to improve the ethics and integrity in your own research
  • Using a decision tree to guide your actions in your research


  • Direction générale déléguée des bibliothèques et musées

Practical information

No sessions this semester








Online (Moodle and Zoom)



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