Language of instruction: French

Length of study: 2 years, full time

Partner :  University of South Bohemia

 Course Location:

  • 1styear : Main university (Université Paris Cité or University of South Bohemia in Czech Republic)
  • 2nd year: Secondary institution (Université Paris Cité or University of South Bohemia in Czech Republic)

 Degrees awarded: Master en Philologie romane, mention Philologie française from Faculty of Arts of University of South Bohemia and Master Sciences du langage, parcours Signes, Discours et Société, from Faculty Society and Humanities of Université Paris Cité

Entry Requirements: Language Sciences degree or an equivalent discipline or an equivalent title corresponding to three years of higher education, or after having successfully completed a degree in French Philology.

Language pre-requisites: Oral and written skills in French, corresponding to level C1 and a level B1 in English

Course overview

Students are specifically trained in survey techniques (data collection, observation, interviews, documentary survey) and in techniques for analyzing oral or written corpus. They are also introduced to the manipulation of software specialized in the processing and analysis of language corpus. For them, it is a matter of concretely experimenting with research work as well as a diversity of methods for analyzing discourse in society, discourse designed in connection with contemporary issues: gender, urbanization, migration, group identity practices, languages minority, media (digitalization and social networks), ideologies, schooling. The training allows above all the students to wonder about what the discourse can teach us about the role of language in social organization and in the game of social relationships (power relations, social differentiation, identity constructions, cultural aspects, interpersonal relationships, etc.). It leads them to develop a critical and distanced look at the different types of discourse produced in society (professional, political, media, common sense discourse, urban discourse), including discourse on discrimination (gender, generational, social, ethnic?). We examine the ways in which discourse contributes to the construction of inequalities, but also the ways in which it can remedy them.

Skills and competencies developed
  • Master the fundamentals of language science (phonetics, phonology, semantics, pragmatics, syntax, lexicology, etc.).
  • Describe and analyze quantitatively and / or qualitatively language practices in various sectors, taking into account their interrelation with various social data.
  • Carry out a complete field survey: elaboration of a problem, mastery of survey and data collection tools (observation, interviews, questionnaires, documentary research), data analysis.
  • Reflect the specificities of intercultural communication


Ms. Nizha Chatar-Moumni