Incoming international students

Independent International students: 

Université Paris Cité welcomes international students who are not part of an exchange programme and who are not enrolled in one of our partner universities. If you are considering enrolling in Université Paris Cité as an independent international student, we recommend you read more on the application and admission process, which will depend on your country of residence, origins and level of studies. Read more >>


Incoming exchange students:

Please note: the information below is for exchange students only.

In order to come study with us as an exchange student, your home institution must have an agreement signed with Université Paris Cité. This can be either the Erasmus+ programme, a bilateral agreement or another international mobility programme that Université Paris Cité is a part of. You can check if your university has an existing agreement with us here.

Composantes et campus

Université Paris Cité has 3 different faculties: Health, Science, and Humanities & Social Sciences. The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences is made up of 12 departments.

There are two main campuses: the Odéon campus and the Grands Moulins campus.

You can see what fields of study are covered in each department and in which campus said department is located:

(STAPS) Sciences et Techniques des Activités Physiques et Sportives – Odéon campus
> Sports studies

(SHS) Sciences Humaines et Sociales – Odéon campus
> Education sciences
> Linguistics
> Sociology

(IP) Institut de Psychologie – Odéon campus
> Psychology

(IUT) Institut Universitaire de Technologie – Odéon campus
> Business and administration
> Sales and Marketing
> Journalism and Information
> Information and Communication Technologies (ICT’s)
> Social Work
> Statistics and Business Intelligence

(EA) Etudes Anglophones – Grands Moulins campus
> English and american studies

(LING) Linguistique – Grands Moulins
> Linguistics

(GHES) Géographie, Histoire, Economie et Sociétés – Grands Moulins
> Geography
> History
> Economics

(LCAO) Langues et Civilisation de l’Asie Orientale – Grands Moulins
> Chinese studies
> Japanese studies
> Korean studies
> Vietnamese studies

(LAC) Lettres, Arts et Cinéma – Grands Moulins
> Literature
> Arts
> Film studies

(EILA) Etudes Interculturelles de Langues Appliquées – Grands Moulins
> Translation and Interpretation
> Applied Foreign Languages (English, Spanish, German, Chinese, Japanese)

(IHSS) Institut Humanités, Sciences et Sociétés – Grands Moulins
> Psychoanalytical studies
> Sociology
> History and philosophy of Science

(DEG) Droit Economie et Gestion – Grands Moulins
> Law
> Economics
> Management

Mobility contacts at UPCité

Administrative contact: They handle all administrative aspects of your mobility at UPCité, such as your administrative registration at the university, sign your arrival certificate, give you your student card and send you your transcript of records.

Academic contact: this is a professor who deals with the academic aspects of the exchange. They will advise you on the courses you should take and validate your learning agreement.

Application step by step

First of all, your home university must send us an official nomination. Nominations are the process by which your home university informs us of your selection for an international mobility at our institution and shares all necessary administrative details to facilitate this arrangement. The nomination must be submitted by an international coordinator from your home university. We do not accept nominations sent by students.

Please keep in mind that a selection at your home university does not guarantee acceptance at UPCité. You will still have to go through our internal application process.

Language requirements

We currently require all international students to have a B2 level in French and/or English (if you wish to follow courses in English). We ask for a B2 language level to ensure that you will have no difficulty following your courses during your stay and to guarantee your academic success.

You will only need a certificate for the language of the course you wish to follow. If you wish to take courses both in English and French (apart from French as a Foreign Language courses), you will need to present both certificates.

Most of our programmes are in French, especially at an undergraduate level (Bachelor’s degree). 

For French, we accept the following language certificates:

  • DELF B2
  • DALF C1 and C2
  • TCF
  • Certificate issued by the Language Centre of your home university
  • Certificate issued by a teacher of French at your home university
  • Proof of mother tongue (passport, birth certificate)

For English, we accept the following language certificates:

  • IELTS (at least 5.5)
  • TOEFL (at least 90)
  • TOEIC (at least 785)
  • Certificate issued by the Language Centre of your home university
  • Certificate issued by an English teacher at your home university
  • Proof of mother tongue (passport, birth certificate)
Online application

After being nominated by your home university, you will receive in the following weeks an “application kit” from our International Relations office via email. This email will contain the link to access the online application on the “MoveOn” platform.

The Application kit will include:

  • A detailed timeline outlining all necessary steps for your upcoming mobility
  • A blank template of a learning agreement
  • A list of your main contacts at UPCité
  • A confirmation of the department and campus you’ve been assigned to

In order to submit your application, you will need to create a MoveON account. We advise you to create your account with an email address that you frequently access and check. Please double check the spelling when entering your email address.

Carefully follow the instructions provided in the email and submit the required documents, which may vary depending on your chosen mobility programme.

You will be required to complete a Learning agreement (LA), a crucial document that ensures recognition of your period of studies abroad by your home institution. The learning agreement must list the approved courses you will be taking during your stay with us, and must be signed by you, your home institution, and your academic contact at Université Paris Cité. Any application submitted without a completed and signed Learning Agreement will be considered incomplete.

During this online application, you will be able to apply for accommodation at university residences in Paris.

Application deadlines:

  • First semester or Full academic year (September): before May 15th
  • Second semester (January): before October 30th

Your application will be processed and if validated, you will receive via email an acceptance letter along with a Welcome Kit.

Once you receive this, you will be officially accepted in our institution as an exchange student.

The Welcome Kit includes:

  • Your acceptance letter
  • A Welcome Guide (both in French and in English)
  • Maps of all the different campuses
  • A list of all of your main contacts at Université Paris Cité
  • Registration for our Welcome Webinars
  • Registration for our buddy programme
Welcoming International Exchange Students

Welcome Webinars: to help you prepare your arrival in France and in Paris, we will host “welcome webinars” several weeks prior to your arrival. These webinars will be scheduled at various times to accommodate different time zones, ensuring accessibility for all. They will be offered both in French and English. During these sessions, key information will be provided to help you organise your time at our university. Following these presentations, there will be a Q&A session where you can ask any questions you may have regarding your upcoming exchange.

Welcome Week. To facilitate your transition into this academic exchange experience, we will host a Welcome Week before the start of each semester. This week will feature seminars covering important topics about your exchange, as well as numerous activities to explore Paris and connect with fellow local and international students.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a learning agreement?

The learning agreement is the document that will enable you to establish the equivalents between the courses you would have taken at your home university and the courses you will be taking at Université Paris Cité.

To complete it, you will need to select the courses at our university that interest you and correspond to the number of credits required for your degree.

Why can’t I take classes in another campus?

For logistical reasons. Our various departments are located in different parts of the Paris region. It would be difficult, if not impossible, to move quickly enough from one campus to another to attend your classes on time. Only students enrolled at the Grands Moulins campus (13th district) can take classes in the other departments located on the same campus. If your department is located on the Odéon campus, you will only be able to choose courses in the department with which you signed your learning agreement.

Can I take classes in other faculties (Faculty of Sciences, Faculty of Health)?

You can only enrol in classes in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Does UPCité offer accommodation to exchange students?

When you submit your application on MoveOn, you have the option of requesting university housing, provided in a Crous residence located in the Paris region. However, the number of places available is limited. If we have not been able to allocate you accommodation in a Crous residence, other solutions are possible: you can find here all the University’s partnerships for finding accommodation (Twenty Campus, Logifac, Fac-Habitat), as well as for guarantors (Garantie Visale). You can contact for more information about our partners.

Student services


As a Université Paris Cité student, you can register for free at the Sports Department, either as an optional course (you will be graded and receive ECTS) or as a leisure practice

Student Disabilities Department

If you are disabled, you can benefit from accommodations thanks to the “Pôle handicap étudiant”. As soon as you arrive in Paris, you must make an appointment with a guidance coordinator who will assess your needs.


Université Paris Cité offers 21 university libraries, including 8 specific to the Humanities and Social Sciences Faculty. By registering with your student card, you can borrow up to 30 documents for 30 days, make copies and prints, reserve group work rooms and even request loans of objects (headphones, computer locks, calculators) and laptops.

Student Health Service (SSE)

The Student Health Service (Service de Santé Étudiante) welcomes all Université Paris Cité students free of charge for health examinations including: preventive medicine, gynaecology, dentistry, psychological consultations, and certificates for sport practice.

Culture Department

You can benefit from preferential rates from our cultural partners, and also get advice to choose and plan your cultural outings in Paris. The Culture department offers international students a special programme to take advantage of the city’s cultural life.