As part of the ERASMUS+ project, CHILDEN (Climate cHange dIplomacy, LeaDership and REsilieNce), for which Université Paris Cité is a partner through the Virchow-Villermé Center, on November 25, Université Paris Cité welcomed the Maldives National University (MNU).

An interdisciplinary Programme

CHILDRN is an interdisciplinary programme, designed in collaboration with Université Paris Cité, the Maldives National University (MNU), the University of Bratislava, and supported by the University of Liège, with the participation of the Faculty of Health and the Faculty of Science.

Focus on Climate Change

The main objective is to develop training programmes around the various dimensions of climate change, such as the vulnerability of local populations in the context of rising sea levels, environmental challenges related to land degradation, health issues, risk management, development of adaptation solutions, migration and displacement of populations, as well as the economics and geopolitics of climate change.

Towards Student and Teacher-researcher Mobility

In response to this goal, a mobility programme is being developed with the aim of welcoming professors and students from the Maldives National University as well as providing exchange opportunities for the Université Paris Cité community, MNU student mobility and professors participation.

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Circle U. Model United Nations

Circle U. Model United Nations

From the 10th to the 14th of December 2024, the Circle U. European university alliance invites you to slip into the shoes of a diplomat by taking part in the Circle U. Model United Nations organised in Brussels. This year, the debates will focus on the theme of...

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