Language(s) of instruction: English

Length of study: 2 years

Course Location: Université Paris Cité, France

Degrees awarded: Master Science du langage – Parcours Linguistique théorique expérimentale

Entry Requirements:

Degrees required for registration in first year: 3rd year Bachelor’s degree in Linguistics, or possibly with a linguistics specialization (Languages, Humanities, Philosophy, Psychology, others)

Degrees required for registration in 2d year: Master 1 in Linguistics, or Psycholinguistics as well as Cognitive science with a linguistic specialty

Admission requirements: The application should contain a copy of the students’ diploma, a CV and a cover letter specifying the research project. Admission is conditional on a level of English sufficient to read an article and understand a discussion in English. No minimum level of French is required.

Applicants who have not completed a linguistics undergraduate degree are encouraged to mention any previous study of linguistics.

Language pre-requisites: Admission is conditional on a level of English sufficient to read an article and understand a discussion in English (B2)

Course overview

Linguistics aims to identify the common properties of languages by studying their formal features, their history, their diversity, the way they are learned, and the pathologies that can affect them. The Master’s degree in Language Sciences – Campus Grands Moulins offers a theoretical and experimental training program in Linguistics that is especially oriented towards research, theorization and experimental analysis of linguistic phenomena. In addition to providing comprehensive training in the different fields of linguistics, this program offers a thorough introduction to the different experimental methods used to describe linguistic phenomena and a critical discussion of the different linguistic theories adopted in modern linguistics to explain such phenomena.

Within the Master’s degree in Language Sciences, the specialty in Theoretical and Experimental Linguistics aims to train researchers in linguistics and language professionals. The Master’s prepares students for diverse professions, mostly in the field of research, linguistic policy making and teaching. The Master’s degree provides access to a variety of professional fields: research in linguistics, teaching, speech therapy, communication-related professions, teaching French as a foreign language, language policy making (regional languages, language contact, European integration, etc.), software engineering, linguistic engineering, etc.

Two research papers will be written: a short one in the first year and a longer one with a public defense at the end of the second year. A research internship is mandatory in the first year.

Skills and competencies developed
  • Ability to describe and explain linguistic phenomena.
  • Ability to conduct original and well supported research on how languages function: students will learn how to start from a research hypothesis within a precise theoretical framework; how to collect the necessary data (corpus research, psycholinguistic experiments, field work); and how to perform the quantitative and qualitative analyses based on the data collected.

The admissions procedures may differ according to your status.

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French students

International independent students

International exchange students


Administrative Coordinator
Armelle Collot
Pedagogical Coordinator Master 1
Caterina Donati
Pedagogical Coordinator Master 2
Lucia Tovena