Quand :
18 juin 2019 @ 16 h 00 min – 18 h 00 min
Où :
King's College London
Bush House South Wing
The Strand London
[Colloque] Gender and Populism: British, French and US Perspectives @ King's College London

Dans le cadre du futur accord entre l’Université Paris Cité et King’s College à Londres, un séminaire « Genre et Politique » (Gender and Populism: British, French and US Perspectives) est organisé. La première session aura lieu à Londres le 18 juin 2019, la deuxième aura lieu à l’automne à Paris. 


There is a widespread image of right-ring populism being driven by supporters who are disproportinately older, white men. This seminar will examine in detail the gendered aspects of populism, focusing in particular on the cases of Britain, France and the US.

To what extent are women voting, standing and campaigning for left and right wing populist parties? What is driving support for populist parties (or lack of it) among women? What are the gendered aspects of populism? These and other key questions will be examined in a series of short talks from a panel of leading academic experts on gender and populism, followed by a Q&A.

This is the inaugural seminar in a series of events on gender and politics, held jointly by the University of Paris and KCL. Professor Clarisse Berthezene, Paris Diderot University and Professor Jeremy Jennings, KCL will provide a short introduction about the collaboration.


Chair : Professor Jeremy Jennings, KCL
Speakers :
Dr Rosalind Shorrocks, University of Manchester
Professor Azadeh Kian, University of Paris & Head of the Centre for Gender and Feminist Studies
Professor Rosie Campbell, King’s College London
Professor Romain Huret, Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales


Date : 18 juin 2019 de 16h à 18h
Lieu : Room 2.03 / Bush House South Wing, King’s College London / The Strand / London
Inscriptions sur https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/gender-and-populism-british-french-and-us-perspectives-tickets-60527587644 

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