We all take hundreds of photos that we leave on our mobile phones without taking the time to look at them again. What if you had the opportunity to have them exhibited and to take part in setting up an exhibition? Within the framework of the Erasmus Days celebration, Université Paris Cité is launching a photo contest based on the theme: ‘Student Perspectives on Climate, Democracy and Global Health’. The winners will receive a prize, their photos will be printed and unveiled at an exhibition opening. Submit your pictures by 15th of October!

Focus on three themes: Climate, Democracy and Global Health

Thanks to the Erasmus + programme, students have the opportunity to study in Europe in one of the partner universities of Université Paris Cité, including those of the Circle U. European Alliance. This photo contest will be an opportunity to highlight the diversity of the university’s campuses and its partners, as well as the commitment of students to the key themes on which the Circle U. European Alliance has been built: Climate, Democracy and Global Health.

The photos must highlight one of the three themes: 

  • Climate: green spaces on your campuses, meteorological phenomena observed at your place of study (sun, clouds, rain, wind, etc.), recycling actions, the use of renewable energies, the impact of climate change, courses linked to this theme…. Don’t be afraid to play with contrasts!
  • Democracy: moments of dialogue between different generations and/or cultures, polling stations, symbols of freedom, peaceful demonstrations, scenes of participation (raised hands, polls, etc.)… Look for moments of connection, divergence, debate and expression at the heart of the principle of democracy!
  • Global Health: (physical, mental and public): laboratories, care or well-being areas on your campus, university sports or cultural activities, scenes from student life affected by the pandemic, moments of exchange over a balanced meal…. Think outside the box!

Photography is a means of expression, so think about the story and emotion you want to convey before you take your photo. You can submit your photo via the competition entry form (more information at the bottom of this page).

An event as part of #Erasmus Days

The selected photos will be unveiled on October 17th at 6 p.m. during the Reveal your Talent evening organised in the main hall of the Grands Moulins campus as part of #ErasmusDays. They will then be printed in large format as part of the photo exhibition to be held during Europe Month in May 2025.

The competition prizes

30 winners will be chosen by the selection committee. They will receive

– The photo that won them the competition prize, printed in large format
– A place at the preview evening to be held during Europe Month in May 2025
– Goodies from the university and the Circle U European Alliance.

1 grand prize winner will also be chosen for each theme (Climate, Democracy, Global Health). In addition to the prizes mentioned above, they will also receive the Grand Prize of the contest!

How to submit your photo

Are you a student from UPCité ? Want to get started? Submit your photo via the #Erasmus Days competition form!
You have until midnight on 15 October to participate.

Technical specifications

Photos must be submitted in either :
– in PNG or JPEG format with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi (high resolution).
– in RAW format

Image reproduction rights

Don’t forget that everyone has the right to their image, so if your photo features identifiable faces, it cannot be exhibited without the permission of those people.

Learn more about the image reproduction right

To use a person’s image (photo or video), you must obtain their written consent if they are recognisable (for distribution, publication, reproduction or marketing).
In the case of an image taken in a private place, your permission is required if you are recognisable: holiday, family event, sporting or cultural event, etc.

In the case of an image taken in a public place, your permission is required if you are isolated and recognisable. Oral consent from the person to be photographed or filmed is not sufficient.
The written agreement must specify: on what medium will the image be distributed? For what purpose? For how long? The person’s written consent is also required if their image is to be reused for a purpose other than that for which it was originally used.
The UPCité image rights form is available HERE.

However, image rights are subject to certain limits to ensure respect for the right to information, the right to freedom of expression and artistic and cultural freedom. Thus, the consent of the person is not required to broadcast certain images provided that their dignity is respected and their image is not used for commercial purposes. For example

  • Image of a group or street scene in a public place if no individual is identified and within the limits of the right to information.
  • Image of a current event or public demonstration within the limits of the right to information and artistic creation.
  • Image of a public figure in the exercise of his or her duties if the purpose of the image is to inform (an elected official, for example).
  • Image illustrating a historical subject.

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