Technology Transfer and Innovation
Everzom, Ermium Therapeutics, Carboneo are the latest PÉPITES startups to emerge from Université Paris Cité’s laboratories. They are the result of technology transfer and business development processes, since there are many partnerships already established by researchers with businesses. Why not your future project? What do we mean by this ? Where to start? Who can help me? Teacher-researchers, researchers, post-doctorates, and doctoral students, this page provides you with a way to commercialize your research work.
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Université Paris Cité aspires to being a key research player in France. It has a wealth and diversity of expertise, and talented researchers; unique strengths that will develop technology and shape our environment and health in the future for the benefit of everyone.
What is technology transfer and business development?
According to the National Board for the Assessment of Higher Education (CONAES), technology transfer and business development “makes research findings, knowledge and skills usable or commercializable”. Its aims to increase the value of research findings, to guarantee their impact from a social and economic perspective.
As indicated in the French Research Code (Article L111-1), the commercialization of research findings is part and parcel of the researcher’s remit – Research Code L111-1.
Technology transfer concerns the commercialization of public research findings in industry.
Technology transfer and business development is a virtuous circle leading from invention to innovation, a laboratory process to the market via a license or startup, and requires contacts with the social and economic world.
Technology transfer and innovation at Université Paris Cité
Researchers are the focus of Université Paris Cité’s business development policy through technology transfer. Within this ecosystem, we have introduced with partners such as the CNRS and CNRS Innovation, the INSERM and INSERM Transfert, the APHP, the SATT Erganeo and incubators, among which Université Paris Cité Paris Biotech Santé, we are able to provide continuity of support for researchers up to the point of technology transfer.
Providing support is:
- Signposting the path to technology transfer and business development
- Building bridges with the social and economic world (teamwork, services, CIFRE, etc.)
- Providing expertise (intellectual property, PACTE Law, creation of startups, etc.)
- Financing systems to mature projects
- Building the skills of the project initiators
- Publicizing these projects and their teams
And especially, listening to and advising researchers.
Damien Marchal, Vice President, in charge of the technology transfer of research and industrial partnerships, answers the key questions in this column: Partnership-based research and technology transfer: a major challenge for Université Paris Cité. (the content is in french)
With the goal of accelerating the way research commercialization is structured, through partnerships and technology transfer within the establishment, Université Paris Cité hosted Bpifrance on 22 October 2020 during an all-digital event, the DeepTech Tour. You can see a replay if you follow this link.
Key Facts & Figures :
In 2019, in total :
Maturation projects supported by SATT Erganeo (105 in total since 2012)
Licenses (a total of 43 since 2014)
Startups created (au total 9 depuis 2015)
Examples of Startups from Research Laboratories at Université Paris Cité :
Get started with the IdEx Prematurity Call for Expressions of Interest
From the day it was founded, Université Paris Cité has supported the development of innovative projects with an entrepreneurial aspect, through the IdEx Prematurity AMI. This AMI (Appel à Manifestation d’Intérêt) aims to finance and showcase any innovative project emerging from the laboratories within the scope of the University Paris Cité. The goal is to develop the project’s proof of concept with a view to its future maturity and to increase the project initiators’ awareness of the challenges of the social an economic world.
In 2020, Université Paris Cité selected 20 innovative projects. The winning projects were picked out by a selection committee made up of representants of its ecosystem. The project leaders benefit from financial leverage and aid, enabling them to achieve their proof of concept. This arrangement helps finance projects up to €50 K (HR costs, services, consumables) for 12 months maximum.
More information to apply for the IdEx prematurity AMI. (Content is in French)
Contact us
Université Paris Cité’s Technology Transfer and Business Development Office, within the DRIVE, is dedicated to providing innovators and entrepreneurs with support engaging with faculties and partners. It works with researchers wishing to:
- develop innovative teamwork projects or leveraging the University’s competences and/or
- showcasing their expertise through technology transfer or the creation of businesses.
Working with the faculties, the team also follows up interactions with the SATT Erganeo and Université Paris Cité’s partners (AP-HP, CNRS, INSERM, etc.), particularly concerning issues such as protecting public research findings and monitoring technology transfer.
It will answer your questions and/or direct you to the appropriate representative within our ecosystem.
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