Quand :
9 September 2024 @ 0 h 00 min
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Campus Saint-Germain-des-Prés et Campus Odéon
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Join the UPCité choir and orchestra! @ Campus Saint-Germain-des-Prés et Campus Odéon

The Choir et the Orchestra of Université Paris Cité (CO-UPC) aim to promote the practice of choral and orchestral music at our university, combining conviviality and quality. Each ensemble works on its own repertoire, with one concert per semester. The two ensembles are committed to mounting a joint, more ambitious project at least once every two years.

Free, registration required

Open to UPCité students and staff
Register for the orchestra >
Register for the choir >

While we focus on classical music from all eras, we don’t exclude other genres, such as film music for the orchestra or harmonized song for the choir. Whether you’re a student or a member of staff at Université Paris Cité, join us for some great musical adventures!” – Antoine Cazé & Nicolas Kuszla

Practical informations and registration for the orchestra and choir

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