Université Paris Cité along with its European partners have designed a digital platform and e-learning courses that enable future experimenters to embark on a transformative journey into clinical research. CONSCIOUS II, is a cutting-edge programme designed for PhD students, junior researchers, and visionary educators, that opens new interdisciplinary horizons in the field of biomedical education. Register by November 30, 2023!

The Consious II project brings together the University of Pécs Masaryk (Czech Republic), the University of Nova De Usboa (Portugal), Université Paris Cité (France) and Clinical Research Development Ireland (CRDI) (Ireland)
Why sign up ?
Conscious II is an interdisciplinary programme that takes a holistic approach, featuring innovative themes that are either absent or partially present from most programmes. It focuses on acquiring both knowledge and skills, using a flipped classroom approach with a digital platform and synchronous problem-based learning. Through an international teaching team, the programme fosters European collaboration in the biomedical research of the future and provides an opportunity for students to work with other European students.
“The course is innovative on several levels. First and foremost, it is its interdisciplinary thematic approach, ranging from statistics to biomedical humanities, that makes it unique.” Another strength of the programme is its format, which combines a flipped classroom model with the use of a digital platform for prior knowledge acquisition, and synchronous, face-to-face online courses with a team of European professors, during which students will be able to develop concrete skills using their prior learning by solving problem-situations related to trial design and management, publication, leadership and even teaching. All this in international teams, which can only strengthen European collaboration in the biomedical research of the future. It is in this sense that this course is visionary”. – explains Professor Mouly and Viktoria Nagy.
Target audience
PhD students, junior researchers, and visionary educators
The programme comprises of 12 modules, including :
- Clinical Trial Design
- Early Phase Trials
- Paediatric Trials
- Quality Control
- Regulatory and Ethical Issues in Research
- Trial Management
- Data Management and Statistical Analysis
- Pharmacovigilance
- Trial Methodology
- Medical Devices
- Leadership for Principal Investigators
- Open Research and Scientific Publication
- Training the Trainers of the Future
The deadline for enrolment is 30th November 2023. Classes are held on Tuesdays at 6 p.m. online during the second semester.
Viktoria Nagy
For more information
Visit the Conscious II website
Download the flyer
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