A key milestone for the partnership between Institut Pasteur and Université Paris Cité, the first “Convergences” scientific seminar took place on June 17th at the university’s head office at Odéon. Here’s a look inside the day’s highlights.
The cooperation between Université Paris Cité and Institut Pasteur aims to build a shared scientific strategy in basic, clinical and translational research, as well as teaching, notably in the area of infectious diseases, a recognised field of expertise for both institutions.
© Université Paris Cité
Throughout the day, displays of collaborative scientific projects highlighted the strategic alliance between the two institutions. In the Grand Hall, an exhibition unveiled over 35 scientific posters, highlighting the platforms, research units and teams of both institutions.
Meeting expectations
At 4pm, the Grand Amphithéâtre at Université Paris Cité headquarters welcomed 220 participants. Infectious diseases, a field of excellence for both establishments, as well as several major scientific themes shared by both institutions, from genetics to artificial intelligence, via immunology, chemistry and social sciences, were illustrated through 12 presentations, each supported by members of Institut Pasteur and Université Paris Cité.
« This seminar is an opportunity to highlight some of our collaborations, their results and, above all, to launch forward-looking discussions. » Édouard Kaminski, President, Université Paris Cité
The event showcased the main achievements of the collaboration between Université Paris Cité and Institut Pasteur, as well as projects currently under development. It provided an opportunity for students and young researchers working at our two institutions to express their views.
Shared successes
The morning session offered an occasion to revisit the successes shared by the two institutions, whether it be related to ongoing research projects or emerging research projects funded via the Emergences call for projects:
- The creation of the “re-Connect” and “ICE” Instituts Hospitalo-Universitaires (IHU) > The launch of ambitious IdEx/StratEx programs such as “Crossing Cutting Edges”, funding co-directed theses and post-docs
- The foundation of a University Research School (EUR) dedicated to Emerging Infectious Diseases, offering a multidisciplinary approach to global health
Promising projects
Both afternoon segments focused on research projects and opportunities for collaboration between Institut Pasteur and Université Paris Cité, notably in health-related disciplines, as well as in the humanities and social sciences, where the potential for collaboration was emphasised:
- Strengthening our capacities in the fields of biomedical chemistry and vaccinology
- preparing for future pandemics, in collaboration with the Groupement Hospitalier AP-HP – Nord
« We have the opportunity to push multidisciplinarity even further, which is necessary to meet tomorrow’s major challenges. » Yasmine Belkaid, President, Institut Pasteur
This strategic alliance between Université Paris Cité and Institut Pasteur is part of a shared ambition for world leadership in biology and health, addressing the major challenges of our time with innovation and collaboration:
- the study of biological interactions between mother and child
- exploring the potential of artificial intelligence in biology and health
- the growing interaction of biology with other disciplines such as mathematics, physics, and the human and social sciences
Through this ambitious partnership, funded by InidEx, we share a shared vision of strengthening our respective capabilities and creating a world-class player in biology-health research. This project is more than ever essential in view of contemporary challenges such as the impact of global warming on health, preparation for future pandemics, and the increaseingly interdependence of health determinants in a « One Health » approach.
This first Convergences seminar :
- More than 220 participants
- 12 research presentations from Institut Pasteur and Université Paris Cité
- 37 posters of Université Paris Cité and Institut Pasteur
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