Since February 10, 2021, until on-site teaching is fully resumed, to support students and staff of Université Paris Cité, testing can be done for free on an appointment basis.

The tests are on an appointment basis for staff and students:


Saint Germain campus, Room Leduc : every Monday, Tuesday, Friday from 14h00 to 16h00

Grands Moulins Campus, Building Sophie Germain, room 0011 : every Monday, Wednesday, Thursday from 13h00 to 15h30.

Appointments online via Doctolib

To access the time slots, please select:

Specialty: Preventive medicine

Type of consultation : in the office

Reason for consultation: “COVID-19 screening – antigen test”

There are two types of tests:

  • a nasopharyngeal antigenic test to determine whether a person is carrying the virus at the time of testing, using a nasal swab
  • a complementary serological test to determine whether a person has developed an immune response after contact with the virus. These tests detect the presence of antibodies through a blood sample. Reliable serological tests are listed online on the Ministry of Solidarity and Health website.

For both tests, the result will be communicated on site within 15 minutes and a certificate will be provided. As indicated by the Direction Générale de la Santé, the antigenic tests with a positive result will be subject to a second test, in view of a screening RT-PCR, in order to search for specific mutations of the COVID-19 variants. 

A more general strategy of PCR testing by salivary sampling can be implemented as soon as these salivary tests have been validated by the HAS and we are able to offer them logistically.

The tests are performed by the Mediators of the fight against HIV: they are 400 students of the Faculty of Health trained by AP-HP or ARS and supervised by doctors or referent health personnel who are involved.

The program organized by Université Paris Cité and the Faculty of Health was supported by the Ile-de-France Region which provided 4,000 tests (2,000 antigenic and 2,000 serological).



Why get tested?
  • in case of symptoms such as having trouble breathing, coughing, fever, aches and pains, unusual fatigue, loss of taste or smell, sore throat or headache
  • be identified as a “contact person” by a general practitioner or by the health insurance
Please note:
Respect for data protection implies the use of ARS software (SIDEP- Contact-Covid) and the anonymization of the files of tested persons.

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