Erasmus+ Charter 2021-2027

Born on the 20th of March 2019, Université Paris Cité aims to offer a novel university model based on values and missions that are humanistic and holistic in the European education area.

Université Paris Cité is set up with three Faculties, which structures its research and education : the Faculty of Sciences, the Faculty of Health and the Faculty of Societies and Humanities.

Université Paris Cité is the leading multidisciplinary university with an international dimension in Paris. It offers its 68,221 students innovative and diversified programmes in the following three fields of study: Arts, social sciences and humanities, hard Sciences, Medicine and Health, within 26 components (UFRs / Departments).

The Paris Institute of Physics (IPGP) is also associated with Université Paris Cité, with approximately 400 students. Fundamentally international in scope, it aims to strengthen its position as a world-class university. This objective is being pursued by implementing a four-tiered strategy through:

partnerships and networks

educational and scientific internationalization


human resources

The Erasmus programme remains one of the main instruments of the University’s internationalisation and modernisation policy.

European Universities Initiative

Université Paris Cité is one of the founding universities of the European Alliance, Circle U. The alliance brings together seven European universities: Aarhus University (Denmark), Humboldt University of Berlin (Germany), King’s College London (United Kingdom),Université Paris Cité (France), University of Belgrade (Serbia), University of Louvain (Belgium) and University of Oslo (Norway).

The Circle U. project aims to create a European university ecosystem forming committed European student-citizens, promoting the quality and excellence of teaching and research, and open to society. At the core of the European Alliance project, Circle U. has the goal to promote short and virtual student mobility.
The objective is to strengthen its students’ international exposure in the medium term through various activities such as : short stays in partner universities (seminars, summer schools, university challenge program), virtual mobility, e.g. MOOCs and all types of digital programmes and pooling existing online courses on a platform within the Alliance network

The Alliance also aims to develop joint teaching, research programmes, projects as well as the recognition of qualifications beyond all existing bilateral and multilateral cooperation.

Academic mobility

Université Paris Cité wishes to implement an ambitious mobility policy targeting up to 50% of its students and staff.
With this respect, it intends to develop an action plan in three phases. The implementation is planned for the beginning of the 2020 academic year:

  1. The definition of an ambitious language policy for a broad audience
  1. The systematic integration of a period of study / internship mobility abroad in the main Bachelor and Master academic courses, or life-long learning for staff
  1. Encouragement to achieve short mobility, virtual or mixed, or in summer programme on current issues: societal, environmental, political and economic issues, and exchange of good practices on the academic level

Structuring partnerships and collaborative projects

Université Paris Cité strongly encourages its teachers and researchers to participate in international and European calls for projects, in order to develop structural international partnerships and collaborative projects.

Educational and scientific internationalisation activities are at the heart of its university project: developing international programmes and degrees in international partnerships, promoting educational innovation by strengthening the link between education, research and the creation of programmes based on scientific excellence and enabling the sharing of knowledge, best practices and access to higher education for a growing number of students.

More information on the Erasmus charter label

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