Faculty of Health management team

In accordance with the University’s statutes, Xavier Jeunemaitre was appointed Dean of the Faculty of Health by the President of Université Paris Cité on the proposal of the Faculty Council. The Faculty of Health management team is also composed of two statutory Vice-Deans (Research and Training) and Vice-Deans appointed by the Dean.

Xavier Jeunemaitre

Dean Faculty of health


Xavier Jeunemaitre is Professor of Genetics Université Paris Descartes, Hospital Practitioner, Head of the Genetics Department at the Georges Pompidou European Hospital. He is also Head of the Centre of Reference, National Coordinator for Rare Vascular Diseases and Co-Director of Team 3 – INSERM U970 – PARCC-HEGP Research Centre. Within the Faculty of Medicine Université Paris Descartes, he is Vice-Dean in charge of academic relations. Since May 2018, Xavier Jeunemaitre has been the academic prefigurator of the Faculty of Health.

“With a major electoral legitimacy and the support of the Presidency of Université Paris Cité, the programme I am proposing is based on a governance system that favours collective intelligence at the service of students and all its staff, while respecting the prerogatives of the UFRs, with a strong ambition for interdisciplinarity within the faculty and between the faculties themselves, innovation in teaching, particularly for the first cycle of health training, which is currently undergoing reform, and a policy of research excellence promoted by IDEX and focused on the major challenges of tomorrow. It will also be essential to pursue an ambitious international relations and communication policy. I am aware of the importance of this first mandate, the task of which is immense but exciting. As Dean, I will set up a team that respects structures and professionals, promotes listening and social dialogue, and improves the quality of working life for staff and students alike. My ambition is to build one of the first health faculties in Europe, known for its excellence in training and research but also for its ethical and societal dimension based on sharing, caring and responsibility. »


Faculty of Health management team

Vice-doyenne Recherche et Présidente de la Commission Recherche

Vice-doyenne Formation et Présidente de la Commission Formation
Sophie GIL

Vice-doyen Projet facultaire

Vice-doyen Relations internationales
Frédéric BATTEUX

Vice-doyenne Vie étudiante, innovation pédagogique

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