The objective of this FAQ is to answer the main questions raised by our communities and partners following the cancellation of the legal name “Université Paris Cité” on December 29th by the French State Council.
General Information
What is the impact of the French State Council’s decision of December 29th?
This decision cancels the name “Université Paris Cité”. The institution must therefore adopt a new name, which will be subject to an amended decree after being submitted to its governing bodies. A transitional phase is therefore necessary during which the name “Université Paris Cité” will continue to be used in our communications in order to ensure the continuity of our public service missions. Administrative documents will have to indicate the mention: Experimental public institution – Decree N°2019-209 of March 20, 2019
What needs to be done during the transition period between the cancellation of the name and the adoption of a new one?
In general, during the transitional period, pending the amending decree, administrative acts adopted must bear the following information in place of the name Université Paris Cité: Experimental Public Institution – Decree N°2019-209 of March 20, 2019.
Signature and authority delegations remain valid and therefore applicable without modification.
As long as a new text does not adopt the new legal name, the “Université Paris Cité” brand may be used in exchanges and communications.
Can the university continue to function "normally" (teaching, recruiting, publishing, etc.)?
Yes, the university’s organisation and its activities remain unchanged.
Why was the name Université Paris Cité cancelled?
The creation of Université Paris Cité was decided by Decree No. 2019-209 of March 20, 2019 signed by the Prime Minister, merging the universities of Paris V Rene Descartes and Paris VII and bringing together with a component institution, the Institute of Physics of the Globe of Paris (IPGP). The University of Paris 2 Assas filed an appeal against this decree in its entirety. Following the conclusions of the public rapporteur, the “Conseil d’Etat” decided to partially cancel the decree with respect to the name alone. It should be noted that the name Université Paris Cité was the subject, as of 2018, of a registration with the INPI and that the university is the owner in good standing.
Should I change my email signature?
No, not yet, a new address block + logo will be provided as soon as the new name is adopted.
FAQ Education
Are the academic accreditations of our courses being affected?
No. The accreditations of our courses under the name of Université Paris Cité remain valid.
How are our courses listed on Parcoursup?
Our courses will remain listed under the name Université Paris Cité until a new name is adopted. (in accordance with the DGESIP).
How are our courses listed on the Find My Master website?
Our courses will remain listed under the name of Université Paris Cité until a new name is adopted. (in accordance with the DGESIP).
Is there an impact on our teaching tools (Moodle, course material, etc.)?
No, there is no direct impact on the computer and teaching tools. There is no need to change your course materials yet. New document templates and the logo including the new name will be provided as soon as it is adopted.
Are internship agreements signed before December 29th still valid?
Yes, internship agreements signed before December 29th with Université Paris Cité remain valid and applicable.
What about future internship agreements ?
As soon as the new name is adopted, the new agreements will reflect the new name. In the meantime, they will bear the name Université Paris Cité.
FAQ Students
Do I need to do something else in addition to my administrative registration?
No, your educational process will continue as usual.
Will my student card be renewed? If so, when?
Student cards with the new name of the university will be distributed to newcomers (first-time registrants) starting in the 2022-2023 academic year. For students who are re-enrolling, two stickers will be sent to them to be placed on the front and back of their card.
Is my study abroad programme for the second semester of 2021-2022 impacted?
No, no steps taken are being questioned.
Is my work-study contract in jeopardy?
No, no document signed prior to the State Council’s decision of December 29th, 2021 is in question.
Will there be new student representative elections?
No, the decision of the Conseil d’État was made on December 29th and does not question the past elections and their results. The mandates of the elected students continue until their term.
Certificate of Achievement and Transcript of records
Transcripts and certificates of achievement are in the name of Université Paris Cité until the new name is adopted.
Enrolled in the 2021-2022 academic year at Université Paris Cité, which university will I graduate from at the end
You will graduate from the same university which will then have a new name on your degree.
What happens to my Université Paris Cité degree?
Whether it is a national diploma or a university diploma, it has the same value. There is no cancellation or the need to retake tests.
Is my financial and social aid for the year 2021-2022 affected ?
No. The change of name has no consequences for scholarship students for 2021-2022. Applications for scholarships starting in mid-January will be submitted in the name of Université Paris Cité. The institution’s registration remains unchanged, therefore will be no impact on the acceptance of scholarships for next year.
FAQ Future Students
Under what name can we be found in “Parcoursup”?
Under the name Université Paris Cité.
Under what name can we be found in "Find My Master"?
Under the name Université Paris Cité.
Which institution will I graduate from in 2022-2023?
You will graduate from our university with a new name on your diploma.
Will the pending name change have an impact on the university's educational offer for the start of the 2022-2023 academic year?
No, the accreditations of the courses remain valid, only the name of the university will change after the new name is adopted.
FAQ Research
How do I sign my scientific publications?
Until a new name is adopted, publications should continue to follow the current signature policy.
What name should be used when responding to a call for proposals?
Until a new name is adopted, applications for projects or applications for funding should continue to refer to “Université Paris Cité”.
When organising or participating in a scientific conference or event, how do you present yourself?
Until a new name is adopted, the reference to “Université Paris Cité” remains possible.
Are the university's scientific partners informed?
Yes, the partners are informed that name changes are expected in the near future depending on the adoption procedure chosen by the MESRI.
Does the State Council's decision affect the partnerships and agreements signed and the patents filed?
No, the acts taken prior to the decision of the State Council remain fully valid.
FAQ International
Are mobility agreements affected?
No, all legal agreements prior to the December 29, 2021 State Council decision taken by the university remain valid.
Are the educational offerings for international double degrees being called in question?
No, this offering stays active and available.
Are there additional administrative procedures for incoming and outgoing students, faculty and researchers?
No, there are no additional requirements to be expected.
FAQ Communication
Will the university's logo, those of the faculties, components and laboratories evolve?
The logo will not change, a new name will replace the wording Université Paris Cité.
Until the new name is adopted, the existing logos will continue to be used, in accordance with the associated graphic design charter.
Please note: to refer to the university, the logo in “monogram without text” format is preferred during the transition period.
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