Maureen Jenkins is no ordinary student. Captain of the French Synchronised Swimming Team, she is a graduate of a DUT (university diploma in technology) in Information and Communication at the University Institute of Technology, Rives de Seine. Three-time medallist in only a few months at the World and European Championships, she looks back on her years at the IUT and talks about her future projects.


A year full of medals

2022 has been a great year for the captain of the French women’s synchronised swimming team. After coming in 4th place at the World Championships last June, 3rd place at the European Championships in the technical, free and highlight team events, Maureen Jenkins is already preparing for the 2024 Olympic Games.

Synchronised swimming is her true passion, which she has been practising for 15 years. The Olympics is “a childhood dream”.

Balancing Academic and Athletic life

For Maureen, studying is just as important as synchronised swimming. At school, she was lucky enough to be able to benefit from special provisions and be able to do her DUT in Information – Communication in 3 years. With 40 hours of training per week, synchronised swimming is a very demanding sport: “the main focus of my life is organisation”.

When she looks back on her training at the IUT, Maureen sees her studies and synchronised swimming as being complementary: “As captain of a team of 14 girls, my courses at the IUT helped me a lot to communicate and to manage my team”. At the same time, synchronised swimming has taught Maureen discipline, organisation and thoroughness.

“Unfortunately, our sport is not very well known in the media, so it’s up to us to create content and try to attract as many people as possible”.

Goal for 2024: the Olympic Games in Paris

“The last three medals really make us want to go for a podium in Paris”. Following a short break after the European Championships, Maureen is already training again with the 2024 Paris Olympics as her goal: “It requires a lot of sacrifices […] I don’t have the same life as traditional students, but it’s a dream I’ve had since I was a little girl.

After the 2024 Olympics, Maureen plans to go back to school and pursue her professional career.

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