Our mission, public service
As a public institution of a scientific, cultural and professional nature (EPSCP), the objectives and missions of Université Paris Cité are governed by the Education Code.

Objectives and missions of public education service
Articles L123-1 à L123-9 du Code de l’éducation
As a public service of higher education, Université Paris Cité contributes to :
- the success of all students ;
- the development of research, a necessary support for the training provided, the dissemination of knowledge in all its diversity and the raising of the scientific, cultural and professional level of the nation and the individuals who make it up ;
- the growth and competitiveness of the economy and the implementation of an employment policy taking into account economic, social, environmental and cultural needs and their foreseeable evolution ;
- the fight against discrimination, the reduction of social or cultural inequalities and the achievement of equality between men and women by ensuring access to the highest forms of culture and research for all those who are willing and able to do so. To this end, it contributes to the improvement of student living conditions, the promotion of students’ sense of belonging to their institution’s community, the strengthening of social ties and the development of collective or individual initiatives in favor of solidarity and the promotion of student life ;
- building an inclusive society. To do this, it seeks to promote the inclusion of individuals, regardless of origin, social background or health status ;
- the construction of the European area of research and higher education
- the attractiveness and visibility of territories at local, regional and national level ;
- the development and social cohesion of the national territory, through the presence of its institutions ;
- the promotion and dissemination of the French-speaking world ;
- the strengthening of interactions between science and society.
Its higher education public service missions are:
- initial and continuing education throughout life. In this respect, it awards national diplomas for which it has been accredited by the ministry responsible for higher education, alone or jointly with other institutions
- research, dissemination and promotion of its results in the service of society
- guidance, social promotion and professional integration
- the transmission of knowledge
- the development of interdisciplinarity
- international cooperation
- participation in the development of the European research and training area
L’institut de physique du globe de Paris
IPGP is a component of the university with the status of a major establishment within the meaning of l’article L.717-1 and the French Education Code, and has a specific national mission of permanent observation of natural telluric phenomena, enshrined in its statutes, and which contributes to the prevention and mitigation of seismic and volcanic risks.