Université Paris Cité celebrates Erasmus Days! Conferences on international mobility, a European village, information stands, a photo competition, a student evening… find out all about our programme.

Event programme

Every year, Erasmus Days is an opportunity to celebrate Europe and its values, and to inform the entire university community about the mobility opportunities on offer at the university.

Please note that the event programme is still under development and is subject to change. The links to register will be published at the end of September.

Conferences on international mobility

Are you a UPCité student who would like to go abroad during your course? Come along:
– 14 October from 12:00 to 13:30 online
– 15 October from 13:30 to 15:00 in amphitheatre 8C on the Grands Moulins campus

The #Erasmus Days European Village

From 14 to 16 October, from 12 noon to 5.30pm, the Grands Moulins hall will be transformed into a veritable European village. Information stands will give everyone the chance to find out about mobility opportunities and meet members of the International Relations Office! The Circle U. team will also be offering a range of activities to help you get to know the alliance of European universities better.

Student evening and prize-giving ceremony for the Erasmus Days photo contest

Until 15 October, all students are invited to take part in the #Erasmus Days photo contest. The winners will be presented at a party on 17 October starting at 6pm.
During the evening, a number of activities will be organised on the theme of Europe, giving you the opportunity to get to know the Circle U. Alliance.

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[Erasmus days] UPCité photo contest

[Erasmus days] UPCité photo contest

We all take hundreds of photos that we leave on our mobile phones without taking the time to look at them again. What if you had the opportunity to have them exhibited and to take part in setting up an exhibition? Within the framework of the Erasmus Days celebration,...

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Meet Université Paris Cité at the EAIE fair in Toulouse

Meet Université Paris Cité at the EAIE fair in Toulouse

From September 17 to 20, Université Paris Cité will be present at the EAIE (European Association for International Education) fair in Toulouse. © EAIE The EAIE fair is an opportunity for higher education professionals and institutions from all over the world to meet,...

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Circle U. Model United Nations

Circle U. Model United Nations

From the 10th to the 14th of December 2024, the Circle U. European university alliance invites you to slip into the shoes of a diplomat by taking part in the Circle U. Model United Nations organised in Brussels. This year, the debates will focus on the theme of...

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