On Wednesday, January 15th 2025, the University inaugurated the Global Health Institute of Paris. This off-site institute will focus on prevention, research and teaching around non-communicable diseases. With its pioneering interdisciplinary approach, it aims to respond to global health challenges, particularly in low and middle-income countries in the Global South.

Addressing Contemporary Challenges
An upsurge in non-communicable diseases, driven by changes in our lifestyles (diabetes, obesity, hypertension, asthma, etc.), has been seen worldwide, and constitutes a global health priority. The Global Health of Paris aims to provide innovative responses to global public health challenges, focusing on epidemiology, artificial intelligence, human and social sciences as well as biology to devise appropriate prevention and management strategies.
Since its creation, the institute has built on active collaborations with more than 20 countries in sub-Saharan Africa through the African Research Network for Non-communicable diseases (ARNcd), Singapore, and close collaborations with the Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD), as well as strategic partnerships with Inserm and the Institut Pasteur. It aspires to become a key player in the promotion of global health, thereby contributing to the Université Paris Cité motto.
According to Édouard Kaminski, President of Université Paris Cité, This new institute embodies our commitment to global health: our ambition is to put our research excellence and our interdisciplinary approach at the service of everyone, especially those populations most vulnerable to epidemiological and socio-environmental transitions”.
An Innovative Approach
In addition to its focus on non-communicable diseases, the Institute is characterised by its interdisciplinary approach, bringing together the university’s three faculties (Health, Sciences and Humanities & Social Sciences). This feature will enable the institute to fully integrate the environmental and economic factors of the areas involved into all of its analyses. Firmly anchored in the local landscape and nurtured by global approaches, the Institute will be able to develop solutions that can be adapted and optimised to suit the needs of local situations.
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