Further to  an internal and external survey as well as a vote by its governing bodies, Université Paris Cité has become Université Paris Cité. The new name was approved by the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, and was adopted by a decree of the Prime Minister published in the Journal Officiel on March 4th, 2022.

Following the partial cancellation of the decree of March 21, 2019 concerning the name Université Paris Cité, the institution, which was formed through the merger of the universities Paris Descartes and Paris Diderot and the integration of the Institut de physique du globe de Paris, has, within a very short timeframe, initiated a discussion on its new legal name. In its endeavor to inform the bodies, the university carried out an internal and external survey, as well as several legal expertises.

The name Université Paris Cité, chosen by the university bodies, became the official name of the institution by an amendment decree adopted on 4 March 2022.

“We are very proud of this choice. This name, while at the same time avoids confusion with the other Parisian universities, strengthens our identity. It is a clear and solid name that embodies the unity of our community and our collective project,” explains Christine Clerici, President of Université Paris Cité.

Université Paris Cité ensures semantic continuity, highlights the institution’s dedication and commitment to Paris and its environment, as well as ensures an ongoing presence at the international level. This name also enables us to keep a graphic and aesthetic balance, the meaning of the logo and visual identity.

Université Paris Cité is a multidisciplinary research-intensive university located in the heart of the capital. Our university has climbed to the top of the international ladder through the strength of its research, its wide range of academic programmes, support for innovation, and by active participation in the construction of the European research and training areas. Université Paris Cité is made up of three faculties (Health, Sciences, Humanities and Social Sciences), a component institution, the Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, and a partner research organisation, the Institut Pasteur. Université Paris Cité has 63,000 students, 7,500 teacher-researchers and researchers, 2,700 administrative and technical staff, 21 doctoral schools and 119 research units.

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Virginie His
06 84 54 60 18

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Édouard Kaminski en entretien avec AEF

Édouard Kaminski en entretien avec AEF

Édouard Kaminski a été interviewé par le média spécialisé de l'enseignement supérieur et de la recherche, AEF, le 5 mars 2025. Retrouvez l'article complet ci-dessous, également accessible sur le site d'AEF pour les abonnés.Université Paris Cité : "Les efforts réalisés...

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