Quand :
13 October 2022 @ 14 h 00 min – 17 h 30 min
Où :
Université Paris Cité - UFR Physique, Hall du Bâtiment Condorcet
4 rue Elsa Morante 75013 Paris
Coût :
Contact :
Sur réservation
01 57 27 92 26
Discovering Quantum Technologies @ Université Paris Cité - UFR Physique, Hall du Bâtiment Condorcet

The Graduate School of Quantum technologies of Université Paris Cité, the Physics Department, IRIF (Institut de Recherche en Informatique Fondamentale) and MPQ (Matériaux et Phénomènes Quantiques) laboratory are joining forces for the 2022 edition of the Fête de la Science. Together, they are offering high school students a course entitled “Discovering Quantum Technologies”.

Quantum technologies are a rapidly developing field. It combines the skills of computer scientists and physicists to develop future systems that will enable information to be processed, measured and transmitted efficiently. This course enables high school students to discover the resources of this world: from twin photons to cryptography and trapped ions! The aim is to introduce them to quantum technologies from a computer and physical perspective.


  • Conference on cryptography, presented by Sylvain PERIFEL – Lecturer (Université Paris Cité/IRIF)
  • Workshop on the BB84 protocol/Introduction to qubits, presented by Sophie LAPLANTE Professor (Université Paris Cité/IRIF)
  • Workshop on entangled photons, presented by the Quantum Technologies and Information team of the MPQ laboratory (Université Paris Cité/CNRS)
  • Workshop on trapped ions, presented by the Quantum Information and Technologies team of the MPQ laboratory (Université Paris Cité/CNRS)

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