Quand :
23 November 2024 @ 16 h 00 min – 30 November 2024 @ 17 h 00 min
Où :
Grande Halle de La Villette
211 avenue Jean-Jaurès
75019 Paris
Contact :
Get free theater tickets! @ Grande Halle de La Villette

International students, the Culture and Student Life Departments of Université Paris Cité are joining forces to offer you free theater tickets! Take advantage of this opportunity to discover French culture and local artists. Information and pre-registration by e-mail at culture@u-paris.fr Don’t miss out!

Book your tickets!

Events open to international students
Contact the Culture Department by e-mail
and specify in the subject line “Invitations to international students : Skinless”.

Contact the Culture Department >


Get free tickets for the show:

  • Skinless at La Villette – Saturday November 23, Sunday November 24 and Saturday November 30 at 6pm / 4pm / 6pm respectively

(Summaries in French and English available on the link above)

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