iLumens: enhanced training for better treatment

Recognising the impact of digital technology not only on lifestyles but also in the fields of education and research, Université Paris Cité is fully committed to these developments.

“Never on a patient for the first time” is at the heart of the philosophy of the iLumens simulation platform

Observing a simulated surgical procedure with ILumens Diderot

Université Paris Cité has two of the most advanced health simulation platforms:

  • Université Paris Descartes (1,100m2), specialising in imaging, surgery, ethics and virtual environments,
  • Université Paris Diderot (700m2), specialising in surgery and telemedicine.

iLumens is an acronym which refers to a multidisplinary university medical laboratory focused on digital health education. iLumens targets initial, specialised, continuing medical and paramedical training courses.

Through the latest educational and technological innovations, iLumens brings to the training classes a variety of methods to future health professionals such as serious games, practicing on high-fidelity models and standardised patients.

Simulation based learning methods provides a unique opportunity to revisit practices and teaching practices, and to rethink patient-caregiver relationships and even amongst the caregivers.

iLumens provides a global educational program to medical students from Paris Descartes, Paris Diderot and Paris Nord. As a non-profit organisation, the economic model makes it possible to target specialised and continuing education for the healthcare community including both medical and paramedical professionals.

Specialised in innovative healthcare teaching,through digital technologies and simulation, iLumens is the first French centre of excellence for health simulation and the development of virtual learning environments related to healthcare. This activity has been internationally acclaimed. iLumens provides its students with the best specialists to support them, due to its organisational know-how regarding planning, designing and leading simulation centres.

iLumens activities are focused around three objectives

  • Developing innovative training courses for health professionals
  • Contributing to improved quality and safety of care
  • Buidling research programmes relating to learning and health practices

Currently iLumens trains more than 8,000 students and healthcare professionals per year on three campuses and carries out numerous health care research projects. Thanks to its valorisation strategy and numerous partnerships with innovative startups and major industrial groups, iLumens today attracts entrepreneurial ecosystems. Its experience and expertise in the world of health simulation enable it to export its know-how outside the university, through numerous international collaborations.


The iLumens team supports professionals who wish to develop health simulations by:

  • helping to identify the physical and human needs useful to a simulation centre
  • assisting in the identification of training missions needed for a simulation centre
  • providing administrative and financial advice
  • providing technical advice
  • architectural consulting
  • assisting in the drafting of clinical cases using education trends and guidelines
  • working with a leading expert in each specialised domain
  • developing simulation courses and programs

Health Simulation

Health simulation is an active pedagogical method involving the use of virtual reality materials (dummy, procedural simulator, or a ‘standardised’ patient) to recreate situations or in conditions that are very close to reality. Its goal is to teach diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, and to enable the repetition of processes, clinical situations or decision-making by one or a team of health professionals.

Research work in simulation and pedagogy

In pursuit of its activities, iLumens is also an experimental research and developmental entity for the study of new digital tools, cognitive behaviours and the impact of new learning environments. Successful research carried out by iLumens has been acclaimed both among medical and paramedical teams and in the management of patients and their relatives.

iLumens Paris Diderot

Pajol Site
20 rue du Département Paris (75018)
> iLumens Paris Diderot platform

Paris Descartes iLumens

Saint-Germain-des-Prés Campus
45, rue des Saints-Pères, Paris (75006)
> iLumens Paris Descartes Platform


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