Quand :
15 February 2024 @ 17 h 00 min – 18 h 30 min
Où :
Grands Moulins Campus and online
[LECTURE SERIES] Current Research on East Asia 2023-2024 @ Grands Moulins Campus and online

For the second year running, the Graduate School of East Asian Studies is organising a series of lectures in English aimed at informing and raising awareness among members of the student and scientific community about the latest developments in research in the humanities and social sciences relating to East Asia.

In support of global engagement, creativity and critical knowledge and research, the Graduate School of East Asian Studies is organising a series of lectures by international scholars for the academic year 2023-2024. This series of lectures is an opportunity to listen to and discuss with seven internationally renowned lecturers, while at the same time combining scientific data and knowledge, multidisciplinary approaches and research tools and methods.

These conferences help to reinforce the cross-disciplinary and international dimensions in the training of students who are destined for high-level studies, coupled with an excellent command of an oriental language (Chinese, Korean, Japanese or Vietnamese). It is particularly aimed at Master’s students in Asian studies or other scientific disciplines related to the East Asian region, as well as doctoral students.


Thursday November 9
Testimony vs. propaganda: love and kamishibai in Japan’s colonial empire
Speaker: Sharalyn ORBAUGH, University of British Columbia

Thursday December 7
The programme to improve rice production in colonial Korea: inspections, regulations, and the creation of a commodity
Speaker: Holly STEPHENS, University of Edinburgh

Thursday January 25
To rebel is justified: Red Guard art and the mass production of images
Speaker: Juliane NOTH, Freie Universität Berlin

Thursday February 15
East Asia’s post war battle over history and memory – the hidden legacy of war crimes tribunals
Speaker: Barak KUSHNER, University of Cambridge

Thursday March 7
Transnational mobility, kinship and aspiration for the good life in rural central Vietnam
Speaker: Nguyen MINH, Bielefeld University

Thursday April 4
Gender equality or traditional culture: legal cases afterwards the abolishement of the household head system in Korea
Speaker: Jong-Chol AN, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice

Thursday April 25
Slow forms of infrastructural violence: the complexities of vietnamese state plans and ethnic minority livelihoods in vietnam’s mountainous northern borderlands
Speaker: Sarah TURNER, McGill University

Access to these conferences is open to all, either :
in person at Room Léon Vandermeersch 481c – 4th floor – building C – 5 rue Thomas Mann 75013 Paris
via Zoom : link >


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