Hosted and organised by Université Paris Cité, the Circle U. Week the Future of Higher Education and Research week took place from January 23rd to 27th. Intense, rich in exchanges and sharing of experiences by bringing together professors, researchers, students and partners.

Circle U. Week :

9 universities of the Circle U. European University Alliance

around 245 participants

Integration of Learning Planet Festival

Learning Planet Institute and the laboratory Identités, Culture et Territoires of Université Paris Cité

Reception at CIUP and Necker Campus

© Université Paris Cité

The Circle U. National Conference, a seminar in global health, roundtables, workshops, a masterclass in history and networking… all under the theme of exchange, cooperation and sharing. For one week, members of the Circle U. alliance, teachers, students, administrative staff, and other university professionals, as well as associated partners, gathered in Paris to explore the benefits and challenges of internationalisation as well as the development of cooperation within the European Higher Education and Research area.

Foscuing on Four Key Themes

More than 245 in-person and nearly 35 remote participants discussed the challenges related to joint degrees, the links between internationalisation of curricula and innovative pedagogies, sustainable education and more effective ways to cooperate in research. An exceptional evening at the Carnavalet Museum – Histoire de Paris was an opportunity to listen to the renowned French historian Michelle Perrot and discover her career.

Students at Center Stage

In collaboration with the academic chairs of the Circle U.Think and Do Tank, students had the opportunity to present their research project on sustainable education “Conceptualising and Operationalising Sustainable Education”. “Sustainable Education,” or “Education for Sustainability” are complex concepts that our Circle U. students sought to better understand in their research through the support of the Academic Chairs.

“By creating both a “Think & Do Tank on the Future of Higher Education,” comprising 7 academics from all the Circle U. partner universities, and a framework enabling international teams of students to tackle complex topics such as sustainable education, Circle U. was able to show, all along this week of roundtables, seminars and workshops, all the potential for a European University Alliance to take up the teaching and academic challenges of tomorrow. Internationalisation is the main pathway to pedagogical innovation, and Circle U. is already travelling it!”


Antoine Cazé, Vice-President International, Université Paris Cité

A Glimpse of the Circle U. Week on video

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