Administrative staff

Erasmus is not just for students. As administrative and technical staff at Université Paris Cité, you can benefit from a few days experience in a European university thanks to the Erasmus+ STT programme.

Training mobility (TWU), or “administrative mobility”, is carried out for the purpose of training staff from one European higher education institution to another.

Raise the European dimension in higher education

Depending on the project and the programme, the objectives may vary:

  • Enable the acquisition of knowledge or know-how from experience and good practice abroad, as well as practical skills
  • Improve language skills
  • Assist in the development of cooperation between higher education institutions

The Erasmus + STT programme

This mobility is open to all staff of a higher education institution (administrative, technical , etc.). It enables them to undertake a training mobility in an establishment, company or training organisation in another European country for a period of 2 days to 2 months.

Unlike other Erasmus+ mobilities, the existence of an agreement is not necessary to participate in a training mobility.

You should get in touch with an institution, company or training organisation abroad and propose a mobility programme detailing the following points:

  • the main objectives of the mobility whether the training activity aims at developing skills in pedagogy and/or curriculum design
  • the added value of mobility (in terms of the modernisation and internationalisation strategy of the institutions involved)
  • activities to be carried out
  • the expected results and impact (e.g. on the professional development of personnel and the two institutions)


International Relations Head Office

Campus des Grands Moulins
Bâtiment des Grands Moulins – Aile A – 2e étage
5 rue Thomas Mann Paris 13e
Site Odéon
12 rue de l’École de Médecine Paris 6e
For more information
Download the Erasmus+ brochure

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Université Paris Cité at APAIE 2025 in India

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