Université Paris Cité and King’s College London ares launching a call for joint research projects to promote and strengthen collaborations between their researchers.

Read more on the partnership

Download the Budget template

Updated 26/05/2021

The present call invites research proposals in all fields of knowledge. We are keen to support projects in Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences, STEM and Health subjects.  Inter-disciplinary proposals and research collaborations relevant to the cities of Paris and London are particularly welcomed.

The selected research projects will contribute to science development, knowledge exchange and educational innovation in the true spirit of collaborative projects, whose efforts will be committed to supporting the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Eligibility criteria

For more details, please read here.

How to apply?

Please complete the submission form.

Applications must be sent to both Université Paris Cité and to King’s College London simultaneously by email to :




The deadline for submitting a proposal is 22 June 2021 (up to 23.59h local time).



Université Paris Cité
Mr Thomas Touzet, Project Manager, International Relations
King’s College London
Dr Yuchun Chiang Mathews, Partnerships Manager, Global Engagement

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