9 December 2022 | Circle U, Education, International, International Partnerships, Research
From January 23rd to 27th, 2023, on the celebration of the United Nation’s International Day of Education, Université Paris Cité will host and organise the Circle U. Week for the Future of Higher Education and Research.Join us and discover all the events. Circle U....
1 December 2022 | Faculty of Health, International, Mobility
As part of the ERASMUS+ project, CHILDEN (Climate cHange dIplomacy, LeaDership and REsilieNce), for which Université Paris Cité is a partner through the Virchow-Villermé Center, on November 25, Université Paris Cité welcomed the Maldives National University (MNU). An...
22 November 2022 | Circle U, Institution, International, Press
At the General Assembly held on November 18th 2022 at Université Paris Cité, Vincent Blondel, Rector of the University of Louvain, was elected as new President of Circle U. Succeeding Svein Stølen, Rector of the University of Oslo, he will steer the strategic...
22 November 2022 | Faculty of Health, International, International Partnerships, Mobility, NUS, Research
Louise Goh, PhD student in neuroscience and brain development at the Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore is a recipient of the Paris-NUS PhD mobility grant. She is currently conducting research at Université Paris Cité. Learn more about...
17 November 2022 | Campus, International, Mobility, Student life
The first edition of the International Days was held on October 13th and 14th. Dedicated to discovery, openness, sharing experiences and inclusion, this event triggered bonding and friendships among students. International days brings together : – 30...
14 November 2022 | International, International Partnerships, Mobility, Student life
Coordinated by Université Paris Cité, the Erasmus+ project, LA-CoNGA physics (Latin-American alliance for Capacity building in Advanced Physics), has been extended for one more year, until January 2024. A collaborative project led by Université Paris Cité LA-CoNGA...
14 November 2022 | International, International Partnerships, Mobility, NUS, Research
Université Paris Cité and the National University of Singapore (NUS) are launching a new call for research and doctoral mobility projects. This call builds on the partnership launched in 2014 by Sorbonne Paris Cité and the National University of Singapore (NUS)....
20 October 2022 | International, International Partnerships, Mobility, Research
In the framework of the Oxford-Paris Partnership (POP), the University of Oxford and Université Paris Cité, in partnership with the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), are launching a call for applications for research collaborations in the humanities...
5 October 2022 | Faculty of Sciences, International, Mobility, Research
Meet two scientists who are exploring a new line of research on gravitational waves, Professor Sylvain Chaty from Université Paris Cité, astrophysicist, at the APC Laboratory (Astroparticle and Cosmology) welcomes Federico Garcia, researcher from Conicet (National...
29 September 2022 | Campus, International, Mobility, Student life
Join us on October 13th and 14th 2022 where the entire student community is invited to meet with international students, share and discover mobility programmes offered at Université Paris Cité. To help you in your daily life, international students can now find all...
12 September 2022 | International, Mobility, Research
Watch a conversation between Dr. Frédéric Girault, teacher-researcher in geophysics at the Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris (IPGP) and Prof. Bishal Nath Upreti, a well-known geologist expert of the Himalaya, from the Nepal Academy of Science and Technology...
29 August 2022 | Circle U, Innovation, International
In September 2022, Circle U. and their external partners are launching the Circle U. Challenge. Université Paris Cité and APHP (Paris University Hospital Trust) will offer students in the alliance the opportunity to tackle a challenge which will focus on finding...
24 August 2022 | International, International Partnerships, Research
Fats are diverse molecules present throughout the body. Some are beneficial while others become harmful to health if accumulated in the body. In a study conducted by researchers from the Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine at the National University of Singapore (NUS), in...
22 August 2022 | Innovation, International, International Partnerships, Research
Université Paris Cité, The Learning Planet Institute and their partners of the European research project Crowd4SDG launch the third call for projects around climate change and climate justice. Contribute to this challenge by responding to the call by September 30th,...
12 July 2022 | Education, Faculty of Health, International, International Partnerships, Mobility, NUS, Research
As the world recovers from the challenges of the global pandemic, President Christine Clerici and Antoine Cazé, Vice President International Relations, after nearly two years without international missions, made a visit to Singapore to renew and sign three partnership...
7 July 2022 | International, Research
© Thomas Rapp, David C. Grabowski and Bapu Jena The healthcare systems in France and the United States are different, however, since the outbreak of the global pandemic the two countries are facing common challenges. The aging populations are increasingly being...