Student representatives from the universities of the Circle U. European Alliance met for a 3 day intensive, collaborative seminar hosted by Université Paris Cité from March 5th to 8th 2020.

Cirlce U.: Université Paris Cité, University Humboldt Berlin, King’s College London, Université Catholique de Louvain, University of Oslo, University of Aarhus and University of Belgrade
Student representatives from the universities of the Circle U. European Alliance met for a 3 day intensive, collaborative seminar hosted by Université Paris Cité from March 5th to 8th 2020.
The scope of the program included several workshops covering a wide range of topics such as:
• Setting operational rules for the Circle U. Student Council
• Implementing a communication plan introducing the alliance to the student community
• Building proposals on student engagement transnationally and cross-disciplinary
• Determining the key factors to make a successful mobility experience
• Defining student involvement and operational rules in each work package
The coming together of these students demonstrated their active engagement in working towards designing an inclusive European inter-university ecosystem. They hope to create new learning experiences and foster transferable skills for students through sharing best practices and looking at the world through another lens.
Through mobility, the students expect to develop new perspectives of collaboration in education and research for the benefit of the whole European population. Creating awareness, empowering students, being mindful of cultural differences, being heard and confronting societal challenges are the key priorities for the Circle U. student representatives.
The seminar was well spent for these students. Their recommendations will be sent to partners shortly and will be used in preparation for the activities over the months to come.
@CircleU_eu sur Twitter

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