Cluster of excellence
Université Paris Cité provides training and develops high-level research in every field: health, exact and experimental sciences, human and social sciences. Université Paris Cité draws on its disciplinary and interdisciplinary expertise to address major societal challenges.

Université Paris Cité scientific profile is based on the strengths of its founding institutions, which it develops and articulates.
Intensive Research University
Université Paris Cité defends with agility the development of its disciplines at the highest level:
- With the Institut de physique du globe de Paris, major actor in France in the field of geosciences and natural hazards;
- With a very rich disciplinary range from science to the humanities, based on high-level research;
- With an exceptional potential in health sciences, which distinguishes us in France and Europe;
Transversal Research Themes
Beyond that, Université Paris Cité wishes to promote a new set of programmes and transversal projects in the following areas:
- The Universe, the Earth and the Environment : from fundamental processes to crisis management, migration strategies and public policies;
- New challenges in Health and Life Sciences : from integrated human biology systems to public health studies;
- Biomedicine at the Interface of Mathematics, Physics,Chemistry and the Human and Social Sciences;
- Transformations of Societies and Individual Behaviour.