Disability policy
Université Paris Cité has implemented specific measures to welcome and support students and staff with disabilities throughout their academic and professional careers. The 2021-2025 Disabilities Strategic Plan will serve as a guideline for the coming years.

In order to support and strengthen the actions already undertaken, the Université Paris Cité Disabilities Strategic Plan 2021-2025 was adopted by the Board of Directors on 25 June 2021
Implementing a transversal disability policy
The University’ s Disabilities Strategic Plan is the result of a collective and cross-disciplinary effort and will serve as a guideline for the institution for the next four years.
“Like all institutes of higher education, Université Paris Cité is required by law to implement a disability master plan. This plan enables us to formalize and harmonize practices that are already in application. In concrete terms, the purpose is to design a realistic action plan in line with the institution’s identity; the definition of actions is therefore based on an inventory of the current situation. Ultimately, the objective of this plan is to set up all the necessary levers to ensure the long-term management of the disability policy and its appropriation by the entire university community.”
Sicka Yamajako, disability correspondent
Disability correspondent: Sicka Yamajako
Delegate General Management of Human Resources and Organizations
Preventive medicine – Saint-Germain-des-Prés Campus :
Make an appointment with Lydia Amphiarus or Wided Marzouk
Telephone: 01 76 53 10 91 or 01 76 53 10 94
Preventive medicine – Grands Moulins Campus :
Make an appointment with Loïc Bonhomme – Telephone: 01 57 27 89 60
Relais Campus des Grands Moulins
Bât. Halle aux Farines Hall E, RDC gauche – allée paire, Rue Françoise Dolto Paris 13e
01 57 27 65 20
Relais Odéon
Office A.1.8 and A.1.9, 12 rue de l’Ecole de Médecine Paris 6e
01 76 53 17 64 or 01 76 53 17 01
University Health Service (SSU) of the Saint-Germain Campus
1st floor T145, 45, rue des Saints-Pères Paris 6e
University Health Service (SSU) of the Grands Moulins Campus
Sophie Germain Building – Ground floor on courtyard, 8 Place Aurélie Nemours Paris 13e
01 57 27 94 60
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