On October 4, 2024, academic cooperation between Vietnam and France were strengthened through the signing of a letter of commitment by Université Paris Cité and the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology (VAST).

(left to right) Édouard Kaminski, President, UPCité and Professeur Chau Van Minh, President of VAST
Professor Chau Van Minh, President of VAST, and Édouard Kaminski, President of Université Paris Cité, have agreed to establish a framework for a collaboration in research and higher education. This initiative will facilitate mobility opportunities for students, PhD students and teachers between Université Paris Cité and VAST’s members. VAST operates under the direct authority of the Prime Minister. The academy monitors more than 30 research institutes and two universities, including the University of Science and Technology of Hanoï (USTH). Its mission is to promote innovation and scientific advancement in Vietnam.
This partnership is also part of the University of Science and Technology of Hanoi consortium, of which UPCité is a member. Its goal is to promote joint research projects such as the development of co-accredited master’s programmes between French and Vietnamese universities.
Joining the university presidents for the signing of the letter of commitment were LE Quynh Lien, Director General, Department of International Cooperation, VAST Professor Jean-Paul DEROIN, USTH Consortium President, Professor Jean-Marc LAVEST, Principal Rector, USTH, Professor DINH Thi Mai Thanh, Rectror, USTH, Associate Proessor TRAN Dinh Phong, Vice-Rector, USTH, responsable of research and international relations, Maximilien CAZAYOUS Dean of the Faculty of Science, Université Paris Cité, Valérie SERRE, Vice-Dean, International Relations, Faculty of Science, Université Paris Cité, Nadège JANNOT, Director of International Relations, Paris Cité and Benoit PIRO, Professor and researcher in physics and chemistry, Université Paris Cité.
Direction des relations internationales
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