
The aim of the Graduate School of Linguistics is to offer a comprehensive curriculum integrating advanced study and research covering all areas of language science, in close connection with PhD programs. Research plays a central part in the program, with a multidisciplinary outlook.


The Graduate School of Linguistics offers a two years’ Master’s degree that prepares students for doctoral research. Over the course of their training, students must design a scientific project with the faculty and researchers of the graduate program. Students work closely with an academic advisor and participate in university seminars and research projects. These experiences prepare students to carry out independent doctoral research, either in the affiliated doctoral program or elsewhere.

The Graduate School of Linguistics brings together 8 Master’s programs at Université Paris Cité, as well as a joint program at Université Sorbonne Nouvelle and Inalco. This consortium creates a unique combination of perspectives for the study of language with cutting-edge research units in computational, theoretical and historical linguistics, as well as in sociolinguistics and descriptive linguistics, with unique fieldwork expertise on more than 200 languages in the world.

 Students can choose one of the following programs:

  • Theoretical and experimental linguistics
  • Computational linguistics
  • Teaching of French as a foreign language
  • Phonetics and Phonology
  • Signs, Speech, Society
  • English linguistics
  • Languages for Specific Purposes, Corpora and Translation Studies
  • East Asian Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
  • Linguistic diversity: language, text, society


The Graduate School Linguistics brings together 15 cutting-edge research units in all areas of  linguistics (with access to state-of-the-art equipment such as EEG and eye-tracking, two phonetics laboratories, and a “baby lab” for research on new-borns and infants).


The Graduate School of Linguistics is led by two directors and an executive committee including the heads of each Master’s programme as well as international scientific advisors. The committee meets 4 times a year to select recipients of Master’s grants and other scholarships.

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