Welcome to Univesité Paris Cité ! The Student Life department provides assistance for preparing your arrival in France and supports you throughout the entire year.

You have been admitted or are a new international student at Université Paris Cité, the Student Life department provides you with support when settling in : health coverage, compulsory insurance, opening a bank account, validation of visas, housing assistance CAF, etc. 

Two online live webinars periods are offered to you in July 2024. Learn everything you need to know about the main procedures that you can expect. 

Participate in the webinar in French

• Thursday July 4, 2024 from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. (French time)(Zoom link)

Participate in the webinar in English

• Thursday July 18, 2024 from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. (French time)(Zoom link)

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Université Ouverte : découvrez le programme 2024-2025 !

Université Ouverte : découvrez le programme 2024-2025 !

  Vous souhaitez apprendre une langue étrangère ? Vous initier à l’histoire de l’art ? Enrichir votre culture générale au travers de cours d’histoire ou de géopolitique ? Découvrir les mécanismes de notre cerveau ou encore vous initier à l'astrophysique ?...

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