Dedicated to discovery, openness, sharing experiences and inclusion, the second edition of the International Days took place from October 9th to 13th at Université Paris Cité. A week filled with events that triggered bonding and friendships among students. Excitement and enthusiasm all the way through!
International Days
over 30 nationalities representing from 5 different continents
more than 355 students
250 students on the cruise
Circle U. European University Alliance
Préfecture de Police de Paris, CAF, CPAM, SMERRA, HEYME, Twenty Campus, ECLA, Fac Habitat, Logifac
Student Life, Culture, Disabilities & Sports, International Relations, Professional Development & Guidance (POP), Student Health Service
The International Days are both a festive and a crucial moment to integrate and welcome our international students. The students were absolutely delighted.” states Valérie Berger, head of Student Life services.
Welcome Desk: Helping Students Settling in
The Welcome Desk, organised at Saint-Germain campus, was a unique opportunity to present all Campus Life services offered to students, as well as the university partners. Over 150 students came to ask questions on housing, visa issues, healthcare services, etc. The Professional Development and Guidance Department (POP) also held workshops to help students with their resumes/CVs, tips to look for a job or an internship.
Integration to Campus Life
Festive moments are a must for a smooth transition to university life! During the International Days, students had the opportunity to explore Paris and its French culture while learning how to cook with a reknown chef or discovering the Parisian passages via a rally.The multilingual poetic sessions as well as “Stéréo” concert by Philippe Découflé Compagnie DCA were also very popular.
In the middle of the week, a volleyball tournament, organised by the Sports Services and the International Relations team, brought students together around a sporting competition. Congratulations to the YOUSSOUF team who demonstrated their volleyball talents.
A Festive Cruise on the Seine River
At the heart of the event, more than 250 international students gathered together and enjoyed an extraordinary experience on the Seine River. They discovered the beauty and cultural richness of Paris. A cocktail buffet awaited them before going wild on the dance floor! International students of Université Paris Cité had the opportunity to meet and forge bonds with their French counterparts, who are considering studying abroad.
The university is extremely grateful to Violette BRILLET (Erasmus – Suède), Marine JOLY (Erasmus – Pologne), Yasmine OMAR YASSIN (Circle U et MICEFA) et Angelina PITAS (Erasmus – Pologne) for sharing their experiences and offering inspiring testimonies.
Discover the Internationals Days on video
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