
The Graduate School of Neuroscience aims to educate and train future highly qualified neuroscientists and provides outstanding research Master and PhD programmes to cover all aspects of neurosciences in an international and stimulating environment.


Along with outstanding research teams, the Graduate School of Neuroscience promotes: interdisciplinarity, covers basic research, engineering, preclinical and clinical research in the field of neuroscience.

It benefits from strong international networks and from SMARTS-UP grants to welcome international students and supports Master’s internships abroad. Our three Master’s programmes are complementary. Along the year, different events are organised to promote research in neuroscience, student’s life and networking between different masters, alumni and professionals to facilitate their employment after a Master and/or PhD.

If you would like to get closer to the students of our Graduate School, you can contact our Neuroscience Master and Doctoral students Association (NMDA).


The Coordinators of the Graduate School of Neuroscience:

  • Faculty of Science
    • Prof. Mehrnaz JAFARIAN-TEHRANI
      UFR Basic and Biomedical Sciences
    • Doc. Isabelle CAILLÉ
      UFR Life Sciences
  • Faculty of Health
    • Prof. Philip GORWOOD

Administrative project manager: Martin DEOTTO

Steering Committee:

  • Prof. Sophie BERNARD
  • Doc. Isabelle CAILLÉ
  • Prof. Frédéric CHARBONNIER
  • Prof. Philip GORWOOD
  • Prof. Pierre GRESSENS
  • Prof. Mehrnaz JAFARIAN-TEHRANI
  • Doc. Thierry GALLI
  • Prof. Charbel MASSAAD
  • Prof. Claire SERGENT

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