Parlons demain with Charlotte Dejean

Now it’s Charlotte Dejean’s turn to be interviewed for Parlons demain, the serie celebrating Université Paris Cité alumni who are enlightening the future.

Charlotte has a PhD from Université Paris Cité, and defended her thesis in Earth Sciences in 2022. In this video, discovers Charlotte’s story on how her work is making an impact on the environment.

During her thesis, Charlotte studied bacterial biofilms. These structures, present everywhere in the environment, are created by bacteria and play a role in the metal cycle.

She is now pursuing her research as a post-doctoral researcher at the IPGP, Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris. With the support of a Idex Université Paris Cité pre-maturation funding, she is developing a process that will enable metals to be extracted from mining waste with the help of bacteria and biofilms.

In the future, mining waste will be recycled and produce metals using techniques with low environmental impact.


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