SDG Summer School

The Learning Planet Institute is offering students at Université Paris Cité the opportunity to participate in the SDG Summer School, taking place in Paris from mid june to the end of July.  In the summer of 2024, the focus will be on the theme “Prototype Open Source solutions related to Paris Olympic and Paralympic Games”.

The programme is supported by the Institute of Challenges, co-founded by the Learning Planet Institute and Université Paris Cité.

Eligibility criteria

The SDG Summer School is open to students enrolled in a higher education institution in France or abroad. The diversity of profiles is an asset, so participants coming from natural sciences, humanities, medicine, computer science, design, gaming or arts are encouraged to apply.

The Programme

This summer school will take place mainly during the month of July with some preparation workshops at the end of June. All activities will take place on our campus in the 4th district of Paris. It is exclusively based on project-based learning and will be taught mainly in English.

Week 1 : Hackathon discovery of tools and deep understanding of challenges

Week 2 & 3 : Project design and implementation

Week 4: Documentation & Presentation of results

Key information

  • Teams are selected for their complementary skills (medicine, biology, law, business, IT, design etc) and their abilities to jointly develop out-of-the-box solutions.
  • Challenges are mentored by practitioners from international organisations and leading global health researchers in participating academic institutions.
  • Each team coached by a PhD student who has relevant research experience and a clear interest in tackling the team’s specific challenge.
  • An opportunity to learn hands-on about open science tools and methodologies (open data, open source hardware and software, citizen science)..
  • An emphasis is placed on rapid prototyping of solutions and an evaluation through weekly pitching sessions and careful project documentation.

How to apply ?

Students can register by completing the online form.


Registration closes in April 2024


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