Second-hand Clothes and Recyclables, a Big Craze at UPCité

Through the generosity of the entire university community, 300 kg of clothing and accessories suitable for a first job were collected by our enthusiatic and motivated student associations. 75% were redistributed during the Solidarity Cloakroom. Over a hundred people bought plants and second-hand items at the “Village associatif”! Special thanks to all !

On April 5th and 6th, 390 students from Université Paris Cité gathered at the Grands Moulins campus. They were looking for clothing suitable in a professional context. The students also had the opportunity to work on their self-confidence, needed during a job interview.

Workshops on “Mastering non-verbal communication”, “Colorimetry” and “Morphology/Silhouette” led by the POP team as well as make-up and makeover stands run by image consultants complemented the event. Students were able to meet with professionals who helped them prepare their entry into the job market. A professional photographer took their pictures to ensure that their CVs and professional profiles are at the top of the list.

In the associative village, 250 participants were attracted by the social and circular economy. The Campus Market stand sold around 74 plants. The Ressourcerie des Batignolles sold 60 kilos of second-hand objects including books, dishware and decorative items.

“We have set up a tool to show how much CO2 was averted: the CO2 that the students did not produce by buying second hand clothes instead of new items. We asked nearly all the people who shopped at the Solidarity Cloakroom to give us an estimate of their recycled clothes. Afterwards, by using the impactco2 website, we did the calculations: 5,297 kilos of CO2 emissions prevented! That’s almost 5.3 tons, which corresponds to the emissions of a return trip from Paris to Tokyo by plane, says the Association Impacts Environnement.”

Thanks to the large donations, this initiative will be re-launched on the occasion of the welcome days and JAVA events held in September.


Discover the Solidarity Cloakroom & “Village Associatif”

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