The general framework for Université Paris Cité’ academic 2024-2025 calendar was approved by the academic senate on April 23rd 2024 and May 28th 2024.
Overseen by the academic commissions from the Faculties and the IPGP, each component* will offer its students a specific calendar based on its academic activities, while taking into account the following general framework:
Start of the 2024-2025 academic year: Monday, 1st September 2024
The 1st day of student attendance is the 1st day of classes or the date of the pre-entry meeting if one is set up (this meeting may, if need be will take place before September 2, 2024).
Duration of the academic year: 10 to 12 months
End of the 2024-2025 academic year: December 15, 2025.
* The term “component” refers to the departments, training and research units (UFR), IUT and engineering schools grouped together within each Université Paris Cité Faculty:
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