Innovative Therapies in Cancerology

The Graduate School of Innovative Therapies in Cancerology aims to train students in advanced methods and techniques such as immunotherapy, cell therapy and new targeted therapies. The offered training programmes cover the fields of immunology, haematology and oncology.


For a long time, surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy have been the standard treatments in cancerology. However, innovative approaches such as immunotherapy or adoptive cell therapy based on modified cells have recently emerged and changed the therapeutic field. Extremely rapid clinical advances can be observed thanks to these new T-cell engineering techniques, combination therapies and new knowledge of the immunosuppressive mechanisms of the microenvironment.

Innovative Therapies in Cancerology gives students the opportunity to explore these new therapeutic strategies within the frame of a transversal curriculum combining training in immunology, haematology and oncology. This training is also opened up to healthcare professionals working in hospitals, regulatory agencies or industry in order to prepare them for these innovative treatments in oncology. Students’ internships in research teams associated with Université Paris Cité and in industry developing these molecules will facilitate their professional integration.


Mireille VIGUIER


Various research themes of excellence in immunotherapy and targeted cancer therapy are developed within the laboratories and research teams associated with the Graduate School.

In immunotherapy, the search for biomarkers – allowing the analysis of the tumour microenvironment or molecular biology analysis techniques – and the analysis of the immune response associated with therapies constitute a major and important axis.

Many different targeted therapies have been approved for the treatment of cancer. Their use, in combination with another targeted therapy, helps to overcome the rapid development of specific resistance.


The governance of the Graduate School of Innovative Therapies in Cancerology is assured by:

  • Prof. Jean SOULIER
    Professor of Haematology
    Saint-Louis Hospital, Inserm, Assistance Publique des Hôpitaux de Paris (APHP)
    Université Paris Cité
  • Eric TARTOUR
    Georges-Pompidou European Hospital (HEGP)
    Assistance Publique des Hôpitaux de Paris (APHP)
  • Prof. Mireille VIGUIER
    Professor of Immunology

The operational team in charge of the digitisation of the courses and the video transfers on the website is:

  • Magali TERME

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