Circle U. European University alliance is launching its second edition of interdisciplinary summer schools. Organized by Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Aarhus University, University of Oslo and Université Paris Cité, they are open to students as well as doctoral students from all disciplines of the partner universities. Submit your applications before February 28th, 2023.

L’alliance européenne Circle U. : Université Paris Cité, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, King’s College, London, UCLouvain, University of Oslo, Aarhus University, University of Belgrade, Université of Pisa and Université of Vienna.

Rethinking Global Health – Université Paris Cité July 3rd to 7th

Designed for PhD students including postgraduate medical doctor students (MD) from any discipline with an interest for the health field, the Global Health Summer School offers you unique learning environment, providing exposure to a wide range of topics such as health inequalities from an individual to a global perspective, the distribution of health resources, migration and the role of women’s health, and the past and future of globalized medicine, from colonial medicine to global health. Through a combination of lectures, active learning, group work, and dilemma-based approaches, you will reflect on global health challenges while developing critical thinking skills.

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Evidence and Democracy in Times of Crisis – University of Oslo August 7th to 11th

Students will learn about topics such as the role of evidence, the balance between “hard” scientific evidence and other types of evidence, and communication about scientific evidence. Through mulitiple teaching methods including lectures, group work, and workshops, students will reflect on evidence and democracy in times of crisis. By participating in field trips in and around Oslo, students will have the opportunity to engage with leading researchers and expand their network with their European counterparts.

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Climate Change & Policy: How to Transition to a Post-Carbon Future – Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin July 24th to 28th

Over the course of two weeks, five days of online sessions and five in person you will take part in interactive lectures, seminars, workshops, simulations, and panel discussions, all led by renowned interdisciplinary researchers and policy experts from across Europe. Together with Circle U. peers from nine European cities, you will not only learn about basic concepts of climate science, but also discover the potential of mitigation actions, as well as the dynamics of environmental psychology and climate politics. Through a hands-on simulation, you will take on the role of a UN delegate negotiating climate goals and will find out how to strategically set an agenda. In small teams, you will analyse and document examples of the climate impact in their home region, and research environmental and sustainability policies at your university. You will walk away with plenty of new insights and skills to your subject of study, as well as five ECTS for successful participation.

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Negotiating Climate Change in the Context of Absolute CO2 Limits and Time frames – Aarhus University August 7th to 11th

The summer school establishes an interdisciplinary approach to understand, examine and address the negotiations that determine current and future climate change and actions to handle the challenges of climate changes, in a perspective where societal actions are linked to the bio-physical reality of climate change. Negotiations and their outcome are vital for climate actions and for understanding climate change causes, impacts and solutions. Climate negotiations refer to the difficult dilemmas and decisions that are negotiated in policies and politics at different levels where competing interests are balanced, as well as in citizens’ everyday choices and behaviour, in business development, and in innovation, choice and application of technologies. 

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All of the programmes are taught in English.

Applications are closed.

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