Université Paris Cité and King’s College London are launching a seed-funding call for joint research projects to promote and strengthen collaborations between their researchers.

Research Fields
This call is open to all research disciplines. We would like to support projects in the arts and humanities, social sciences, technical, mathematical, engineering and basic sciences, as well as health. Interdisciplinary proposals and research collaborations relevant to the cities of Paris and London are particularly welcome.
Duration and funding
Selected projects will be funded for 12 months from July 2024 to June 2025.
A single joint project can receive up to €25,000 in total under this joint funding call, with a balanced contribution from each institution.
Funds must be spent by 30/06/2025.
Eligible Costs
- Travel costs including economy train tickets, hotels and subsistence*
- Research costs, including lab consumables and small equipment, research assistants (up to 25% of total requested budget)
- Costs associated with organising workshops and meetings
- Directly incurred staff e.g. teaching assistants
* Where practical we would encourage applicants to travel by train and use low carbon options.
Ineligible Costs
- Replacement research/teaching costs
- Directly allocated costs including applicants’ time
- Indirect costs/estates costs
- Large Equipment
- Scholarships
- Conference attendance
- PhDstipends
- Tuition fees
- Honoraria
Université Paris Cité:
Project researchers must be full-time faculty members in a unit research affiliated to Université Paris Cité, with an employment contract for the duration of the proposed project.
King’s College:
Project researchers must be full-time faculty members or postdoctoral fellows at King’s College London, with a contract of employment for the duration of the proposed project.
Collaborations previously funded through this call are eligible to re-apply as long as they can show that the proposal is a new activity within the research project that will lead to a demonstrable outcome such as a funding application to an external funder.
– Publication of the call: May 15th 2024
– End of the call: June 30th 2024
– Selection: July 2024
– Announcement of successful projects: July 31st 2024
– Projects commence: September 1st 2024
– Completion of projects and all final expenditure: June 30th 2025
All applications must include the completed application form (including budget table) and Letters of support from your Head of Department. The research plan described in the application form must not exceed two pages.
The application form, as specified above, must be sent simultaneously to : Université Paris Cité (internationalisation.iro@u-paris.fr) and King’s College London (globalengagement@kcl.ac.uk) no later than June 30 2024 (1:00 pm local time) by the two project leaders,
The evaluation of applications will be undertaken by an internal evaluation committee at each university, with an additional joint evaluation by the two universities for the final decision and selection of projects.
Evaluation Criteria
The projects will be evaluated according to their potential to develop a sustainable partnership and their sustainability potential beyond the present call.
Project leaders will be asked to send a written report of achievements and expenditure at the end of the project. They may also be invited to present their research project to key Paris/London stakeholders and respective embassies.
King’s Global Engagement
Université Paris Cité
Download the
Application form
Call for applications

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