Université Paris Cité and the National University of Singapore (NUS) are launching a new call for research and doctoral mobility projects. This call builds on the partnership launched in 2014 by Sorbonne Paris Cité and the National University of Singapore (NUS). Through this initiative, Université Paris Cité has been able to establish close ties in several disciplines with NUS, one of the most prestigious higher education institutions in the world.

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Partnership Paris-NUS



© National University of Singapore

As key enablers for the partnership with NUS, these calls have led to the launch of 43 collaborations between the two universities (30 in research and 13 in training) as well as the funding of 12 PhD mobilities between France and Singapore.

NUS is a strategic partner of Université Paris Cité and is strongly committed to the collaboration as it has been co-funding these bi-national projects equally with Paris since 2014. Other Parisian institutions are partners in this call (Inalco, Sciences Po, Université Sorbonne Paris Nord, Ined) with the objective of establishing a strategic and sustainable relationship with NUS through structuring projects. 

In November 2022, two calls for projects will be launched, enabling Université Paris Cité and the NUS community to contribute to the reinforcement of the bonds between the two institutions:

How to apply ?

All the information regarding the call is outlined in the application form. Special attention will be given to interdisciplinary projects.


The deadline for submitting a proposal is January 31st 2023


For questions regarding this call, please contact by e-mail to Dr. Mariana Losada, Director, Singapore office: mariana@nus.edu.sg

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