Language(s) of instruction: English

Length of study: 2 years, full time

Course Location:

  • Université Paris Cité, France
  • Additional courses at Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, France


Degrees awarded: Master Science du langage – Parcours Phonétique et phonologie

 Entry Requirements: Degrees required for first year admission

  • 3rd year Bachelor’s degree in Language Sciences (SDL at Université Paris Cité);
  • 3rd year Bachelor’s degree in Language Sciences (SDL) or “Lettres” from a different university;
  • Other degrees: Humanities; Languages with an SDL option; Philosophy; Psychology, other.

Degrees required for registration in 2d year: Master 1 in Linguistics, or Psycholinguistics, or Speech Processing

Language pre-requisites:

  • Admission is conditional on a level of English sufficient to read a scientific article, to understand and participate in a discussion of such an article in English.
  • English: B2+
Course overview

The Master’s degree in Language Sciences with a specialty in Phonetics and Phonology is a research-oriented program. It targets students planning to do research in linguistics or planning to pursue a language-related profession, with special interest in phonetics and phonology and offers advanced theoretical and experimental training, including the analysis of speech acoustics, articulation, and perception, thus also leading to more applied fields. Courses are taught in the Linguistics Department on the Campus Grands Moulins, and on the campus of the Université Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3. This is a joint training program offered through a formal agreement between the two institutions.

Within the Master’s degree in Language Sciences, the Phonetics and Phonology specialty aims to train researchers in general linguistics with an expertise in phonetics and phonology. The program prepares students for a variety of professions: linguistic research, research in language teaching, professions involving language, speech, speech pathology, communication, language policy (e.g., regional languages and accents, European integration, etc.), professions involving the acoustic analysis of speech, etc.

This is a two-year program (two semesters per year), including courses in general linguistics and courses specialized in phonetics and phonology. All classes are “English-friendly”, and involve readings primarily in English. Writing in English is possible and encouraged.

Two research papers are required: a shorter one at the end of the first year, and a longer one, which will be defended at the end of the second year. A research internship is mandatory.

Skills and competencies developed
  • Developing synthetic and analytical skills (describing and explaining linguistic processes);
  • Formulating original research questions;
  • Formulating research hypotheses in relation to theoretical frameworks and designing rigorous experimental methods to test the hypotheses;
  • Learning to do quantitative and qualitative analyses of production and perception data collected in the laboratory or in the field.

The admissions procedures may differ according to your status.

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French students

International independent students

International exchange students


Administrative Coordinator
Mme Armelle Collot
Pedagogical Coordinator
Ioana Chitoran