Psychological Science
The Graduate School of Psychological Science – at the interface between the Faculty of Society and Humanities, the Faculty of Health and the Faculty of Sciences and in collaboration with the Institut Pasteur – brings together the training and research of Université Paris Cité in the various subfields of psychology.
Several topical issues – such as global warming, fake news, AI – need to be addressed by scientific psychology. In that sense, scientific psychology allows the study of the human factor, at the heart of each of these issues (in addition to its classical contribution to health and education). Furthermore, scientific and technological innovations are necessary, but for them to have a real impact, we must look at the habits of the population. Indeed, to meet these challenges, the objective is to understand how people adapt and change their behaviour, so that we can develop and promote a precise and effective scientific psychology, integrating all its sub-disciplines (ergonomics, neuropsychology, cognitive neuroscience, clinical psychology, psychology/economics, experimental psychology, developmental psychology, differential psychology, psychopathology, social psychology…).
The Graduate School of Psychological Science is one of the few training and research centres in France offering a wide range of training courses open to the different sub-disciplines and numerous professions in psychology. It is distinguished by its experimental, clinical and applied research in the fields of health, education and societal issues.
During the year, the Graduate School of Psychological Science participated in the International Days of the Institute of Cognitive Neurosciences (INC Days 2022) on Neuroethics as well as in the Hackathon 2022 initiated by the Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering on the theme of digital health.
Most of the Graduate School’s Masters programmes allow access to the (protected) title of psychologist, on condition that the student first obtains a Bachelor’s degree in psychology and completes a minimum of 500 hours of professional training.
Please note! Some Masters do not give access to the title of psychologist, or only under certain conditions:
- Basic and applied cognitive psychology (under certain conditions)
- Psychology and economics
- Cogmaster
- Economics and psychology
- Psychological ergonomics: safety, innovation, diversity
Finally, the Master’s degree in Artistic Creation does not prepare students for the profession of psychologist or psychotherapist.
Masters courses are taught in French (unless otherwise stated).
- Clinical psychoanalytical psychopathology:
- Clinical psychology: psychopathology and health psychology:
- Cogmaster; Economics and psychology; Psychological ergonomics: safety, innovation, diversity (taught in English)
- Psychology:
- Psychology of education and training:
- Social psychology, psychology of work, and organisations:
The laboratories of the Graduate School of Psychological Science cover all sub-disciplines of psychology, in the fields of health, education, and societal issues, in their fundamental and applied aspects
- Faculty of Health (UFR Medicine)
- Faculty of Sciences (UFR sciences fondamentales et Biomédicales)
- Faculty of Societies and Humanities (UFR Psychology)
- Laboratoire Mémoire, Cerveau et Cognition (EA 7536)
- LAPEA – Laboratoire Psychologie et d’Ergonomie Appliquée (UMR IFSTTAR 7708)
- LaPsyDÉ – Laboratory for the Psychology of Child Development and Education (UMR CNRS 8240)
- LPPS – Laboratoire de Psychopathologie et Processus de Santé (EA 4057)
- LPS – Laboratoire de Psychologie Sociale : Menaces et Société (EA 4471)
- PCPP – Laboratoire de Psychologie Clinique et Psychopathologie Psychanalyse (EA 4056)
- Vision Action Cognition (EA 7316)
- Institut Pasteur
Doctoral schools
- Arnaud CACHIA
Institute of Psychology
Representatives of the associated Masters:
- Catherine BUNGENER
Master of Clinical Psychology: psychopathology and health psychology - Mathieu CASSOTTI
Master of Psychology of Education and Training - Thérèse COLLINS
CogMaster - Manuella DE LUCA
Master’s degree in psychoanalytical clinical psychopathology - Marie-Pierre FAYANT
Master in social, work and organizational psychology - Dorine VERGILINO-PEREZ
Master in psychology
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