Society & Health

The Graduate School of Society & Health brings together the Université Paris Cité’s Master’s programmes in humanities and social sciences whose main subject of study is health. The Graduate School offers a multidimensional and multidisciplinary approach to studying our health system.

Back-to-School Seminar for the Graduate School of Society & Health

October 16, 2023, in Paris.

© Camille Perrin


The issues surrounding the French population’s health and its system are at the heart of our society’s concerns and have been exacerbated since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. These issues involve many actors, interacting in a system where regulation and financing are complex. To studying our health system, this complexity requires a multidimensional and multidisciplinary approach.

The Graduate School of Society & Health aims to develop an interdisciplinary research training centre to study our health system. It aims to bring together Master’s degree courses in the humanities and social sciences with an interest in health in order to facilitate exchanges and collaborations between disciplines and to encourage the pursuit of PhD studies.

The ambition of the Graduate School of Society & Health is to increase the visibility of humanities and social sciences in the field of health. This field of study and research is still underestimated today. Society and mentalities are evolving, and public authorities need to better integrate the fact that the patient is not only a patient, but a person who has rights and preferences and who must be respected as a subject of ethical, sociological and economic reflection.




  • Prof. Bernard ANDRIEU
    Director of the Graduate School of Society & Health
    Professor at Université Paris Cité
  • Pauline CHAUVIN
    Director of the Graduate School of Society & Health
    Senior Lecturer HDR
    Deputy Director of Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire de Recherche Appliquée en Économie-Gestion et Santé (LIRAES)

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