Supporting international strategy

Université Paris Cité integrates the international dimension at the heart of its global strategy in both research and education. This strategy is implemented with the support of the Strategy and International Relations office (SRI), which brings together expertise and management skills for international projects.

The Strategy and International Relations (SRI) office provides information, guidance and support to all components of the university in the development and implementation of their international strategy.


The International Relations and Strategy office (SRI) offers support and assistance to all the components of Université Paris Cité in the development and implementation of their international relations.
It draws up the international attractiveness policy in collaboration with the communication department as well as all the departments and contacts concerned.

The missions of the Pôle Commun SRI are transversal and interdisciplinary.

They are focused on the 3 key themes:

  • Direction Setting : 
    • Direction and legal validation of international and European agreements on international cooperation
    • Evaluation and steering of activities through studies, surveys, national and international surveys, response to international rankings
  • Accompaniment :
    • Support in monitoring, setting up and managing international and European projects with the project leaders
    • Support in linguistic and intercultural accompaniment activities and services for exchange students/special students, logistical, administrative and social reception desk for international researchers
  • Management and supervision of international mobility
    • The SRI is the single point of contact for international students and teachers-researchers
    • It deals with inter-faculty mobility programmes, programmes for financing mobility aids, etc…
Service Offer

The mission of the SRI is to provide strategic and administrative support for all of the university’s international activities.  It is headed by a director who is responsible for the implementation of international and European policy, expertise and steering of activities, the organisation of human resources and administrative, legal and financial management.

Its service offer is threefold :

  •  For staff: researchers & teacher-researchers, doctoral students, etc.
  •  For international students and teacher-researchers
  •  For the university’s governance: decision support, legal and financial security
Director of International Relations and Strategy office

Director of International Relations and Strategy office

Phone number : +33 1 57 27 55 35
Email :

Your Contacts International mobility

For information related to staff mobility :

As of September 1st 2021, student mobility activites are handled by the faculties :

For general queries, please contact :

Your Contacts International Cooperation and Talent Development

Mr  Jan Douat
Head of International Cooperation and Talent Development Department 

Phone number : +33 1 57 27 59 53
Email :


Your Contacts Scientific and educational internationalisation

Head of Scientific and Educational internationalisation Department

Phone : +33 1 57 27 55 09
Mail :

International Relations
& Strategy Office

Grands Moulins Campus
Bâtiment des Grands Moulins – Aile A – 2e étage
5 rue Thomas Mann Paris 13e
Odéon Campus
12 rue de l’École de Médecine Paris 6e

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HARVEST project wins ASDESR National Call

HARVEST project wins ASDESR National Call

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