Université Paris Cité is awarded the Certificate of Quality “Erasmus Charter” for the period 2021-2027. The Erasmus programme, a flagship programme for higher education since 1987, is one of the key instruments of our internationalisation policy and modernisation of our institution.
Going forward, Université Paris Cité can apply to all the key components of the programme, namely, mobility for learning purposes, cooperation between organisations and institutions (Partnerships for Cooperation and Exchanges of Practices, Partnerships for Excellence – European Universities / Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters, Partnerships for Innovation) and support for the reform of development and cooperation policies.
The European Commission awarded Université Paris Cité the Certificate of Quality “Erasmus Charter for Higher Education for the period 2021-2027. Université Paris Cité’ application was submitted in May 2020.
A commitment to quality and evaluation of the activities of Université Paris Cité
The evaluation focused on three main criteria:
- Relevance of the Erasmus Policy Statement within the institution.
- Adherence and commitment to the principles of the ECHE (Erasmus Charter for Higher Education).
- Implementation of the Charter in particular through the institutional and operational structuring of activities.
This positive result illustrates the strong points of Université Paris Cité’ application, particularly in terms of the strategies and systems put in place at the institution:
- The Erasmus Policy Statement (EPS) proposing a coherent and ambitious strategy.
- The systematic formalization of academic mobility and university cooperation through international agreements.
- The full recognition of all types of mobility combined with the implementation of a fair and inclusive selection procedure.
- The implementation of ECTS as a common tool to ensure full and effective mobility.
- The commitment towards the digitalization and digitalization of procedures, including for staff and administrative personnel. The use of the Erasmus+ mobile app to inform incoming and outgoing students.
- The institution’s policies to promote civic engagement and environmentally friendly practices.
- The application of a quality approach in the implementation of the Erasmus+ programme.
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