Liver Cells Control our Biological Clock

Liver Cells Control our Biological Clock

Our liver plays a role in regulating our central biological clock, scientists from CNRS and Université Paris have discovered. The results of their study, published on 17 May in Science Advances, show that the biological clock of mice can be reprogrammed by inserting...
MultiMENDo, Deciphering and Treating Endometriosis

MultiMENDo, Deciphering and Treating Endometriosis

Among the 3,000 submitted projects, 39 French projects were selected and secured ERC funding, including the MultiMENDo project led by Ludivine Doridot. Lecturer in physiology at the UFR of Medicine of the Faculty of Health at Université Paris Cité, Ludivine Doridot...
Discovery of a Circovirus Involved in Human Hepatitis

Discovery of a Circovirus Involved in Human Hepatitis

Scientists from the Institut Pasteur, Necker-Enfants Malades Hospital (AP-HP), Université Paris Cité, Inserm in the Imagine Institute and the Alfort National Veterinary School (EnvA) have identified a previously unknown species of circovirus, provisionally named human...
Circle U. Elects its New President

Circle U. Elects its New President

At the General Assembly held on November 18th 2022 at Université Paris Cité, Vincent Blondel, Rector of the University of Louvain, was elected as new President of Circle U. Succeeding Svein Stølen, Rector of the University of Oslo, he will steer the strategic...
The 2022 Highly Cited Researchers at Université Paris Cité

The 2022 Highly Cited Researchers at Université Paris Cité

With 20 citations, Université Paris Cité is the 2nd French university in the 2022 ranking of Highly Cited Researchers published by Web of Science Group. Do you know the HiCi? Behind this abbreviation lies a highly recognised list of researchers in health, sciences, as...